This week in a word? Cold. Don’t let the super sunny photos from the beginning of the week fool you- we endured the coldest temperatures of the year in Connecticut this week and are looking forward to a warm up any time now!

Sylvio (Silver Laced Wyandotte cockerel)
Blaze (Black Copper Marans rooster)
Buelah, Buff Orpington hen
Rachel (Bantam Cochin Frizzle hen)
Frederick (Serama cockerel)
Iris (Olive Egger hen)
Margarita (Black White Faced Spanish pullet) taking a winter stroll.
Serama cockerel (left, Caesar) and Marans hen (right, ellen deHeneres)
Light Sussex cockerel (Chevy)
Columbian Wyandotte hen (Lola)
Black White Faced Spanish hen (Margarita)
Sylvio and Iris made it to the cover of my article in Chickens Magazine this month!

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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This week in a word? Cold. Don’t let the super sunny photos from the beginning of the week fool you- we endured the coldest temperatures of the year in Connecticut this week and are looking forward to a warm up any time now!

Sylvio (Silver Laced Wyandotte cockerel)
Blaze (Black Copper Marans rooster)
Buelah, Buff Orpington hen
Rachel (Bantam Cochin Frizzle hen)
Frederick (Serama cockerel)
Iris (Olive Egger hen)
Margarita (Black White Faced Spanish pullet) taking a winter stroll.
Serama cockerel (left, Caesar) and Marans hen (right, ellen deHeneres)
Light Sussex cockerel (Chevy)
Columbian Wyandotte hen (Lola)
Black White Faced Spanish hen (Margarita)
Sylvio and Iris made it to the cover of my article in Chickens Magazine this month!
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Donna M. Jenkins
Donna M. Jenkins
2025 years ago

i would love to have this to use when our babies hatch out. It would help them a lot

2025 years ago

Would love this so I can put my broody hen back out to the coop after hatching her babies or if she isn’t keeping them warm

Lisa Poole Hoffmann
Lisa Poole Hoffmann
2025 years ago

Thank you for all the info you provided on winter care. It was very helpful!!!

Andrea Alley
Andrea Alley
2025 years ago

I would love to win this!!! I’ve got chicks coming in April!!

Tina Melton
Tina Melton
2025 years ago

I need one of these