There is no way of knowing when a sick or injured chicken is going to need immediate, medical attention, so it is best to be prepared for the worst. During an urgent, medical situation, acquiring supplies should not be the priority. Knowing the types of emergency supplies to have on hand is as important as having a safe, quiet space in which they can recover. I always keep a basic chicken first-aid kit handy and stocked with: *Vetericyn VF wound and infection treatment: There are different formulations of Vetericyn- I have used them all and I prefer the Vetericyn VF spray primarily because the veterinary formula is three times stronger than the regular Vetericyn hydrogel spray.

I use my infirmary space for multiple purposes, including: a maternity ward for brooding hens, a time-out space for aggressive or problem chickens, a broody-breaker box and as a grow-out space for chickens being integrated into the flock. I’ll show you some of my Sick Bay set ups shortly, but first, let’s look at chicken first aid essentials.

Vetericyn Poultry Wound Spray


As long as there are no internal injuries, an aspirin drinking water solution can be offered to an injured chicken for a maximum of three days. Add 5 aspirin tablets (325 mg x5) to one gallon of water.

 Chlorhexadine 2% Solution spray

Some other items you may wish to keep in a more extensive first aidl kit for your chickens are:

ProZyme- digestive & nutritional support for ill chickens not eating normally
Old towels (for calming a chicken during bumblefoot surgery, for instance, bedding for very sick birds in the house) Dog Training Pads-floor padding for sick birds

*If you should find yourself without electrolytes in an emergency situation such as <heat stress or dehydration, Gatorade can be substituted or simply make your own electrolytes with items commonly found in the kitchen. Click here for the electrolyte recipe.

Some of my bumblefoot first-aid supplies, which also include Vetericyn Wound and Infection Hydro Gel.

Learn about treating a broken beak here.

This Olive Egger chick was injured somehow, losing part of her upper beak,. I treated her with Vetericyn twice a day and was able to return to the flock within a week!
Vetericyn Wound & Infection treatment spray healed this baby chick's deep wound in 13 days!

This baby chick was pecked by a broody hen, causing the wound shown. I sprayed Vetericyn on it 2-3 times per day and within 13 days the chick was completely healed with new feathers emerging through the site of the wound!

Wire sided pet crate


It is best to know how and where a sick-bay will be set up before it becomes necessary.

The basic requirements of a sick-bay are that it provide enough spacious for the chicken to move around in, is accessible for cleaning, and has a space for food and water apart from where it can relieve itself. It helps if it’s in a dimly lit, quiet place that is a little warmer that the chicken was accustomed to outside. There are countless options for a sick-bay. I prefer wire-sided pet crates or a rabbit hutch setup.

 Hutch in garage used as infirmary space

When baby chicks requiring supplemental heat are injured, they should be physically separated inside the brooder from the other chicks. This is the setup I have used successfully with bullied and bullying chicks. Dividing the brooder with hardware cloth or window screening allows the chicks to share a heat source and remain visible to one another, which makes reuniting them later easier.

A rabbit hutch makes a fantastic hospital ward for chickens.

 A rabbit hutch makes a fantastic hospital ward for chickens.
The injured bird should be 100% healed with no visible signs of blood or scabbing before being returned to the flock.
How to help and care for a sick chicken


Information about caring for a sick chicken can be found HERE.

 How to care for an injured chicken.


Any time a bird is sick or injured, the bird must be housed separately from the flock until the injury is completely healed to avoid further injury, potential spread of a contagious illness, cannibalism and death. The recovery area should be a safe, quiet living space where they will remain until they are fully recovered. Much more about caring for injured birds HERE.

Treat the injured bird like a stranger when reintroducing it to the flock. I recommend the Playpen Method for a conflict-free reunion. Again, patience is the key to success.


1) The injured bird should be 100% healed with no visible signs of blood or scabbing before being returned to the flock. (Covering it up with a purple dye product is not an acceptable substitute for time and complete healing.)


2) Treat the injured bird like a stranger when reintroducing it to the flock. I recommend the Playpen Method for a conflict-free reunion. Again, patience is the key to success. Learn about the Playpen Method HERE.

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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There is no way of knowing when a sick or injured chicken is going to need immediate, medical attention, so it is best to be prepared for the worst. During an urgent, medical situation, acquiring supplies should not be the priority. Knowing the types of emergency supplies to have on hand is as important as having a safe, quiet space in which they can recover. I always keep a basic chicken first-aid kit handy and stocked with: *Vetericyn VF wound and infection treatment: There are different formulations of Vetericyn- I have used them all and I prefer the Vetericyn VF spray primarily because the veterinary formula is three times stronger than the regular Vetericyn hydrogel spray.

I use my infirmary space for multiple purposes, including: a maternity ward for brooding hens, a time-out space for aggressive or problem chickens, a broody-breaker box and as a grow-out space for chickens being integrated into the flock. I’ll show you some of my Sick Bay set ups shortly, but first, let’s look at chicken first aid essentials.

Vetericyn Poultry Wound Spray


As long as there are no internal injuries, an aspirin drinking water solution can be offered to an injured chicken for a maximum of three days. Add 5 aspirin tablets (325 mg x5) to one gallon of water.

 Chlorhexadine 2% Solution spray

Some other items you may wish to keep in a more extensive first aidl kit for your chickens are:

ProZyme- digestive & nutritional support for ill chickens not eating normally
Old towels (for calming a chicken during bumblefoot surgery, for instance, bedding for very sick birds in the house) Dog Training Pads-floor padding for sick birds

*If you should find yourself without electrolytes in an emergency situation such as <heat stress or dehydration, Gatorade can be substituted or simply make your own electrolytes with items commonly found in the kitchen. Click here for the electrolyte recipe.

Some of my bumblefoot first-aid supplies, which also include Vetericyn Wound and Infection Hydro Gel.

Learn about treating a broken beak here.

This Olive Egger chick was injured somehow, losing part of her upper beak,. I treated her with Vetericyn twice a day and was able to return to the flock within a week!
Vetericyn Wound & Infection treatment spray healed this baby chick's deep wound in 13 days!

This baby chick was pecked by a broody hen, causing the wound shown. I sprayed Vetericyn on it 2-3 times per day and within 13 days the chick was completely healed with new feathers emerging through the site of the wound!

Wire sided pet crate


It is best to know how and where a sick-bay will be set up before it becomes necessary.

The basic requirements of a sick-bay are that it provide enough spacious for the chicken to move around in, is accessible for cleaning, and has a space for food and water apart from where it can relieve itself. It helps if it’s in a dimly lit, quiet place that is a little warmer that the chicken was accustomed to outside. There are countless options for a sick-bay. I prefer wire-sided pet crates or a rabbit hutch setup.

 Hutch in garage used as infirmary space

When baby chicks requiring supplemental heat are injured, they should be physically separated inside the brooder from the other chicks. This is the setup I have used successfully with bullied and bullying chicks. Dividing the brooder with hardware cloth or window screening allows the chicks to share a heat source and remain visible to one another, which makes reuniting them later easier.

A rabbit hutch makes a fantastic hospital ward for chickens.

 A rabbit hutch makes a fantastic hospital ward for chickens.
The injured bird should be 100% healed with no visible signs of blood or scabbing before being returned to the flock.
How to help and care for a sick chicken


Information about caring for a sick chicken can be found HERE.

 How to care for an injured chicken.


Any time a bird is sick or injured, the bird must be housed separately from the flock until the injury is completely healed to avoid further injury, potential spread of a contagious illness, cannibalism and death. The recovery area should be a safe, quiet living space where they will remain until they are fully recovered. Much more about caring for injured birds HERE.

Treat the injured bird like a stranger when reintroducing it to the flock. I recommend the Playpen Method for a conflict-free reunion. Again, patience is the key to success.


1) The injured bird should be 100% healed with no visible signs of blood or scabbing before being returned to the flock. (Covering it up with a purple dye product is not an acceptable substitute for time and complete healing.)


2) Treat the injured bird like a stranger when reintroducing it to the flock. I recommend the Playpen Method for a conflict-free reunion. Again, patience is the key to success. Learn about the Playpen Method HERE.

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Christmas Chick
12 years ago

Great information. I especially like the tip about "caine" and "cane". Good to know. Thank you, Lisa

Victoria Woyak
12 years ago

wow. didn't realize how much I didn't have til I read this! I also really love the "sick bay" ideas!!! Thank you!!!

(p.s.~I could really use the Veterycin kit to have on hand for my little flock of "rescued" girls. Oh, and 1 brand new baby chick :)

Victoria Woyak
12 years ago

thought I had a first aid kit til I read this! (just a few odds and ends, far from complete) and the "sick bay" ideas were a real eye opener, thank you!

P.S. I would really love to have the Veterycin kit on hand for my little flock of rescued hens!!! (and one new baby chick :)

12 years ago

I put together a Frist Aid kit this summer and used it yesterday! I have two girls with bumble foot right now. We treated Daisy but we are going to wait on Lacy because she is molting. I had Vetercyn on hand because one of my cats this summer scratched himself a good size cut on his head. It worked great on his cut! Now I am using on thier bumble foot wonds after removing the infection.

12 years ago

I don't have a chicken first aid kit. I frankly didn't know one was availble. I have a tack box that consists of basic products for preping my birds for the poultry shows. One of my big shows I attend each year is Ohio National Poultry show in Columbus OH. They have lots of venders. I would recommend settin up a booth their. I'm the poultry leader for my 4-H club and I'm going to forward this facebook post on to my 4-H Poultry kids.

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