If you follow my Facebook page, you likely already know that I lost my dog Molly this week. She was fourteen years old and had been with me since she was a puppy. Her health was impeccable until the last year or so, when she developed congestive heart failure and kidney failure, which was too much to ask of her little body ultimately. The decision to help her pass was one of the most difficult I have ever had to make in my life, but I know it was the right one. It was some comfort to have been able to hold her in the end and let her go with the dignity she deserved. It was a blessing to have had her company for so many years, but I miss her terribly. She will always be my first baby. RIP Mol. ♥
Molly was 9 years old when we got our first chicks and while she was fleetingly curious about them, the curiosity soon passed and it seemed either distrust or fear took its place. She never really did warm up to the chickens, but she was tolerant of the countless baby chicks and recovering chickens she shared her space with in my office and subscribed to a live and let live policy, which worked out just fine for everyone.
On a much lighter note…this week’s memes:

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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If you follow my Facebook page, you likely already know that I lost my dog Molly this week. She was fourteen years old and had been with me since she was a puppy. Her health was impeccable until the last year or so, when she developed congestive heart failure and kidney failure, which was too much to ask of her little body ultimately. The decision to help her pass was one of the most difficult I have ever had to make in my life, but I know it was the right one. It was some comfort to have been able to hold her in the end and let her go with the dignity she deserved. It was a blessing to have had her company for so many years, but I miss her terribly. She will always be my first baby. RIP Mol. ♥
Molly was 9 years old when we got our first chicks and while she was fleetingly curious about them, the curiosity soon passed and it seemed either distrust or fear took its place. She never really did warm up to the chickens, but she was tolerant of the countless baby chicks and recovering chickens she shared her space with in my office and subscribed to a live and let live policy, which worked out just fine for everyone.
On a much lighter note…this week’s memes:

great give a way this week!!
That would be awesome
My girls just moved out to their coop yesterday. They don't seem stressed or unhappy. They are still eating like pigs and playing in the sand. It is certainly and improvement over the bathtub!
I don't expect we'll have eggs until the spring, they are only about 7 – 8 weeks old now. But those cartons are sure schnazzy!
Thank you for sharing your memories of Molly with us! Run Free Sweet Molly!
There are no words of comfort to share as we have been there too and everything sounds trite. While people wish you speedy recovery & condolences, all it does is refresh the pain. The only thing I can offer are words from my grandmother "This too shall pass." Still mourning the losses of "Baby Girl" & "Wilbur"