The long holiday weekend started with rain, which was welcome as last week’s heat was beginning to take a toll on everyone, including Doc Brown’s “hair.” But the rest of the week was amazingly beautiful, which provided ample opportunity to enjoy, admire and photograph both my chickens and a variety of flowers in the yard. I hope you enjoy these snapshots of the past week in my backyard!
The Colors of Summer in my yard. ♥

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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The long holiday weekend started with rain, which was welcome as last week’s heat was beginning to take a toll on everyone, including Doc Brown’s “hair.” But the rest of the week was amazingly beautiful, which provided ample opportunity to enjoy, admire and photograph both my chickens and a variety of flowers in the yard. I hope you enjoy these snapshots of the past week in my backyard!
The Colors of Summer in my yard. ♥

I use these to get my chicks in the coop at night
must admit i have never tried my hens on meal worms so i would love to win these to give them ago
All we have to do is shake the mealworm bag, and our chickens will follow us anywhere. We've had to do it to lure them into the co-op before.
Also I love Doc Brown! She really lives up to her name!
I want some.
If I even think about being late with their mealworms (aka chicken crack at our place) they ladies start giving me an earful!