With the exception of one day with tornado warnings this week, the weather has been warm and lovely. My baby chicks are getting big and changing by the minute! Please enjoy a few photos from my backyard this past week and have a wonderful weekend in yours!
One of my newest peeps, a Mille fleur d’Uccle chick.

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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With the exception of one day with tornado warnings this week, the weather has been warm and lovely. My baby chicks are getting big and changing by the minute! Please enjoy a few photos from my backyard this past week and have a wonderful weekend in yours!
One of my newest peeps, a Mille fleur d’Uccle chick.

The three stooges (the dogs) get to roll in it up there so to avoid feeling guilty I just got to.
Your peeps pumpkin pie links are bad.
I tried to search for it but like finding a peep in a haystack! :-p
I am so sad that I do not get the channel that Coop Dreams is going to be on. Hoping they have online streaming too. :)
Love the photo of your daughter, carrying ice to the chicks. She can come carry for me anytime! Thanks for this terrific giveaway too!
Awesome giveaway!
I’d love to try this Scratch and Peck, please enter me!