Throughout March and April, I had the privilege of travelling to Tractor Supply Stores in Connecticut and Massachusetts during Chick Days to chat chickens & meet fellow chickeneers! I love my job! When I haven’t been on the road, I’ve been working on some pretty exciting stuff that I can’t wait to share with you, so stay tuned for updates soon!

In between visits to Tractor Supply stores, I was paid a visit by WFSB, Channel 3, the CBS Local Affiliate in Connecticut for a feature story on their Better Connecticut program! Click on the photo below or HERE to view the video.

SO cool to meet longtime Facebook follower, Travis Anderson, and so many other followers and chicken keepers in person!

What would a Flock Focus Friday be without the chicken memes?!

Thanks for visiting, have a great week!

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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Throughout March and April, I had the privilege of travelling to Tractor Supply Stores in Connecticut and Massachusetts during Chick Days to chat chickens & meet fellow chickeneers! I love my job! When I haven’t been on the road, I’ve been working on some pretty exciting stuff that I can’t wait to share with you, so stay tuned for updates soon!

In between visits to Tractor Supply stores, I was paid a visit by WFSB, Channel 3, the CBS Local Affiliate in Connecticut for a feature story on their Better Connecticut program! Click on the photo below or HERE to view the video.

SO cool to meet longtime Facebook follower, Travis Anderson, and so many other followers and chicken keepers in person!

What would a Flock Focus Friday be without the chicken memes?!

Thanks for visiting, have a great week!

We would love to see how the girls like mealworms. Please enter us in the drawing.
I got my chicks from that tractor supply in Southwick too! They’re great, and your blog helped us along. Our 3 chickens are doing very well, laying and laying back!
Hi Jen! I don’t make any special accommodations for any breed in my flock. The same winterizing procedures apply for everyone. http://www.the-chicken-chic…