We welcomed a new member into our flock family just in time for my birthday this week: Milo, a 3 month old Yorkshire Terrier with an impressive pedigree, was escorted from South Carolina by his breeder to New York City, a short car ride from his forever home here in Connecticut! He walked into the house like he owned the joint and stole all of our hearts with his affectionate, playful personality. Please enjoy some of the photos taken since the last Flock Focus Friday!

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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We welcomed a new member into our flock family just in time for my birthday this week: Milo, a 3 month old Yorkshire Terrier with an impressive pedigree, was escorted from South Carolina by his breeder to New York City, a short car ride from his forever home here in Connecticut! He walked into the house like he owned the joint and stole all of our hearts with his affectionate, playful personality. Please enjoy some of the photos taken since the last Flock Focus Friday!

Meal worms are the best per the girls and the rooster. I am from CT originally and right now Kentucky feels like I am still there. I think the temperatures here have been colder than CT and the whole state is covered with snow which is rare. Broke a weather record everyday last week except Sunday. I hope we all make it to spring. -20 air temp is way too cold. I think the poor girls are starting to get frostbite on combs.
My girls and ducks love meal worms. What a treat
Great prize! Would love to win… I grew up having Yorkies as pets – they are so sweet! Enjoy!
mealworms chickens and gunea hens love and so does rooster
My girls (and boys) love mealworms! And welcome to the wonderful rollercoaster ride of life with a puppy! We too brought our newest family member home last month, it’s been six years since we last went through the joy of house training, 3am trips outdoors in sub zero temps, and happy puppy kisses. Worth every minute of it :) We have our now six year old Aussie to help raise our newest one, thank goodness! Enjoy:)