We welcomed a new member into our flock family just in time for my birthday this week: Milo, a 3 month old Yorkshire Terrier with an impressive pedigree, was escorted from South Carolina by his breeder to New York City, a short car ride from his forever home here in Connecticut! He walked into the house like he owned the joint and stole all of our hearts with his affectionate, playful personality. Please enjoy some of the photos taken since the last Flock Focus Friday!

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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We welcomed a new member into our flock family just in time for my birthday this week: Milo, a 3 month old Yorkshire Terrier with an impressive pedigree, was escorted from South Carolina by his breeder to New York City, a short car ride from his forever home here in Connecticut! He walked into the house like he owned the joint and stole all of our hearts with his affectionate, playful personality. Please enjoy some of the photos taken since the last Flock Focus Friday!

I wrote a comment on your last two giveaways, however they are still “pending” am I doing something wrong?
awesome posts and helpful hints, just picked up 6 chicks to start my flock and looking forward to many years of fresh eggs
I would love to win; I’m in Minnesota….burrrrrr
Milo is adorable. My chicks were a June hatch, so this is their first winter. They usually range but have been confined to the coop and run for nearly two weeks due to high winds and brutal cold. The other day ([minus 10 degrees with wind chill), 3 of them made a run for it while I was cleaning the run. It was hilarious. They hit the open air with a gleeful “We’re free!!” attitude. Ten feet out they did a synchronized U-turn with clear “Make that free-zing!” body language. Thank heaven I followed your advice and have a coop… Read more »
Your puppy is so cute! What a beautiful addition to your family. Beautiful scene!