Happy 2015! With the 2014 holiday season now in the rear-view mirror, we’re back to business as usual at Blazing Trails Farm. Please enjoy some of my favorite photos of my chickens from the past week!
Blaze- Black Copper Marans rooster and flock leader.
Sylvio-Silver Laced Wyandotte cockerel.
Freida-White Silkie hen and flock matriarch at 5+ years old.
Chevy, Light Sussex cockerel.
Kate-Speckled Sussex hen.
Marilyn Monroe-White Orpington hen.
Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
Happy 2015! With the 2014 holiday season now in the rear-view mirror, we’re back to business as usual at Blazing Trails Farm. Please enjoy some of my favorite photos of my chickens from the past week!
Blaze- Black Copper Marans rooster and flock leader.
Sylvio-Silver Laced Wyandotte cockerel.
Freida-White Silkie hen and flock matriarch at 5+ years old.
Thank you! I really enjoy my flock. This is my second try at chicken keeping. My first flock was wiped out by a hawk. With this one we took great pains to protect them by adding aviary netting to their run. I let them out daily to forage under my supervision. I love how they come running when I call them back in. Puts a big smile on my face and in my heart. I have thirteen buff and white orpington hens. One white orpington rooster and one buff rooster and one amauracana rooster. All sweet roos and hens. As… Read more »
Amber Barkley
10 years ago
I love the idea of automatic feeders and waterers. They are cleaner and keep rodents out most definitely. I love this and the Grampa's Feeder. I saw a new to me automatic feeder online the other day called the Peck-o-matic. I'm considering trying it out.
Julie Ann Gayhart
10 years ago
Absolutely love your web page and Facebook page…… In the middle of building a coop for the first time. I've been reading your articles and tips on raising chickens and this "Chicken Fountain" would be perfect. Especially living in WISCONSIN, we get some pretty frigid temps. I'm Entered in the contest. Thank you again for all the GREAT info. you provide.
10 years ago
It's become time for me to really look into this! We're here in CT in the freezing temps, too and my son accidentally broke our heated waterer yesterday, so now I have to keep refilling/checking the water to be sure my girls are hydrated!
I've had my eye on this water system for a while. Time to act! :)
10 years ago
Hoping this is the right spot to enter. My girls would love these too…
Thank you! I really enjoy my flock. This is my second try at chicken keeping. My first flock was wiped out by a hawk. With this one we took great pains to protect them by adding aviary netting to their run. I let them out daily to forage under my supervision. I love how they come running when I call them back in. Puts a big smile on my face and in my heart. I have thirteen buff and white orpington hens. One white orpington rooster and one buff rooster and one amauracana rooster. All sweet roos and hens. As… Read more »
I love the idea of automatic feeders and waterers. They are cleaner and keep rodents out most definitely. I love this and the Grampa's Feeder. I saw a new to me automatic feeder online the other day called the Peck-o-matic. I'm considering trying it out.
Absolutely love your web page and Facebook page…… In the middle of building a coop for the first time. I've been reading your articles and tips on raising chickens and this "Chicken Fountain" would be perfect. Especially living in WISCONSIN, we get some pretty frigid temps.
I'm Entered in the contest. Thank you again for all the GREAT info. you provide.
It's become time for me to really look into this! We're here in CT in the freezing temps, too and my son accidentally broke our heated waterer yesterday, so now I have to keep refilling/checking the water to be sure my girls are hydrated!
I've had my eye on this water system for a while. Time to act! :)
Hoping this is the right spot to enter. My girls would love these too…