This recipe puts the “MORE” in ‘smores and makes a really special home-made gift any time of year. My daughters help me make these marshmallows and we agree that BOUNCY is the word that best describes the texture! This recipe is super simple- there’s no baking involved, they’re not too sweet, not sticky or messy to work with and are 100% yummy!



½ cup water
3 oz unflavored gelatin (I used 3 envelopes of Knox gelatin: 1 packet=1 oz) 
⅔ cup corn syrup (or substitute Lyle’s Golden Syrup)
½  cup water
2 cups white sugar 
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Butter for greasing pan 
Plastic wrap
Cooking spray
9″ x 13″ baking pan
candy thermometer
Powdered sugar and/or toasted coconut


Liberally butter a  9″x13” brownie pan or baking sheet. 
In stand mixer bowl, stir 3 packets of gelatin into ½ cup cold water. Allow to rest for 10 minutes.

Homemade Marshmallows - Gelatin

In saucepan over medium heat, add  ½ cup water, sugar and corn syrup. Bring to a boil for 1 minute until candy thermometer reads 240°F.

Homemade Marshmallows - Boiling

Remove from heat and immediately pour sugar mixture into gelatin bowl.

Homemade Marshmallows - Whipped

With stand mixer’s whisk attachment, whip on high speed for 12 minutes.

Add vanilla and whip on high speed for one more minute. 

Pour mixture immediately into prepared pan.

Spray a sheet of plastic wrap with cooking spray & place on top of marshmallows.

Allow to rest for a minimum of 3 hours. If not using coconut, skip the “Toast Coconut” section and move on to “Cut Marshmallows” section:


Preheat oven to 325°F
Spread shredded coconut evenly on baking sheet.
Bake for 5 minutes.
Remove from oven, stir well.
Return to oven for 5 minutes.
Remove from oven, stir well.

Repeat until desired depth of color is reached. *Do not leave the coconut unattended for any period of time; it burns in the blink of an eye!


Remove plastic wrap from pan.
Sprinkle work surface generously with powdered sugar or toasted coconut. (I used parchment paper on my work surface. You do you.)
With a butter knife, loosen marshmallow from sides of pan & invert onto covered work surface.
Sprinkle more confectioner’s sugar on top of the mixture and press into the marshmallows.
Cut marshmallows with sharp knife or sharp cookie cutters.
Coat all cut sides with powdered sugar (or coconut).
Store in an airtight container. Will keep well for weeks, but they don’t last that long!

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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This recipe puts the “MORE” in ‘smores and makes a really special home-made gift any time of year. My daughters help me make these marshmallows and we agree that BOUNCY is the word that best describes the texture! This recipe is super simple- there’s no baking involved, they’re not too sweet, not sticky or messy to work with and are 100% yummy!



½ cup water
3 oz unflavored gelatin (I used 3 envelopes of Knox gelatin: 1 packet=1 oz) 
⅔ cup corn syrup (or substitute Lyle’s Golden Syrup)
½  cup water
2 cups white sugar 
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Butter for greasing pan 
Plastic wrap
Cooking spray
9″ x 13″ baking pan
candy thermometer
Powdered sugar and/or toasted coconut


Liberally butter a  9″x13” brownie pan or baking sheet. 
In stand mixer bowl, stir 3 packets of gelatin into ½ cup cold water. Allow to rest for 10 minutes.

Homemade Marshmallows - Gelatin

In saucepan over medium heat, add  ½ cup water, sugar and corn syrup. Bring to a boil for 1 minute until candy thermometer reads 240°F.

Homemade Marshmallows - Boiling

Remove from heat and immediately pour sugar mixture into gelatin bowl.

Homemade Marshmallows - Whipped

With stand mixer’s whisk attachment, whip on high speed for 12 minutes.

Add vanilla and whip on high speed for one more minute. 

Pour mixture immediately into prepared pan.

Spray a sheet of plastic wrap with cooking spray & place on top of marshmallows.

Allow to rest for a minimum of 3 hours. If not using coconut, skip the “Toast Coconut” section and move on to “Cut Marshmallows” section:


Preheat oven to 325°F
Spread shredded coconut evenly on baking sheet.
Bake for 5 minutes.
Remove from oven, stir well.
Return to oven for 5 minutes.
Remove from oven, stir well.

Repeat until desired depth of color is reached. *Do not leave the coconut unattended for any period of time; it burns in the blink of an eye!


Remove plastic wrap from pan.
Sprinkle work surface generously with powdered sugar or toasted coconut. (I used parchment paper on my work surface. You do you.)
With a butter knife, loosen marshmallow from sides of pan & invert onto covered work surface.
Sprinkle more confectioner’s sugar on top of the mixture and press into the marshmallows.
Cut marshmallows with sharp knife or sharp cookie cutters.
Coat all cut sides with powdered sugar (or coconut).
Store in an airtight container. Will keep well for weeks, but they don’t last that long!

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Kitty Smith
Kitty Smith
2025 years ago

My grandchildren will love these!!

Kathy Robbins
Kathy Robbins
2025 years ago

I just got married last month and my new sister in law loves homemade marshmallows. I’ve never made them but I’m going to make these and give them to her as a surprise hostess gift when we go to Vermont for Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing!!

Beaconoflight Healing
Beaconoflight Healing
2025 years ago

WOW! My grandkids will love this! I need to check out what I can use in place of the corn syrup though. That stuff is bad to the bone. Think you can do something like water and sugar, will need to check that out for a substitution. Thanks so much!
You have the greatest things on your site like nobody else does! You ROCK!!

2025 years ago

They look delicious! Love the toasted coconut!

2025 years ago

What a wonderful new recipe – and for for marshmallows, no less!! Wow. Great for those of us who have chickens and small farms and like camp fires with marshmallows on a stick.

The Cozy Legs heaters are great (from personal experience). Would love to win one.

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