This is Rachel. If you haven’t already made her acquaintance, she’s something of a hen starlet on my Facebook page where she is featured daily in all her fluffy cuteness. Rachel is a bantam frizzled Cochin. Cochin is her breed, bantam describes her miniature size and frizzle describes her unusual feathers. Genetics cause frizzled feathers to grow out and curl away from the body instead of  growing flat and smooth following the body contour. Frizzle is not a breed, it is a genetically programmed feather type.

Cochin is her breed, bantam describes her miniature size and frizzle describes her unusual feathers.

This Polish pullet is smooth-feathered.

Genetics cause frizzled feathers to grow out and curl away from the body instead of growing flat and smooth following the body contour.

Frizzle is not a breed, it is a genetically programmed feather type.

This Polish pullet is frizzled.

Rachel and her hatch mates and friends, Monica (black) and Phoebe (white) above are bantam Cochins with frizzled feathers