My kitchen counter is an egg sorting station based upon the destiny of each; some eggs will be hatched, eaten by my family, gifted and blown for various purposes including display or crafting and selling to fellow crafters, magazines and egg aficionados.  During the egg-blowing process some eggs don’t make the cut to be sold due to an imperfection, but, being an egg hoarder, I can’t bear to throw out a beautiful egg shell, which has left me with a stash of eggs ideally suited for certain craft projectsEaster Egg decorating and egg dyeing.

My daughters appreciate a good knock-knock joke, so I decided to fill some blown eggs with laughter this Easter instead of the usual candy, toys or money. The eggs will be cracked open to reveal the funny within.



Clean, empty eggs (plastic or blown eggs)
Modge Podge
tissue paper
small paintbrush
paper fortunes, jokes, riddles, etc. (see below)


Depending on the size of the hole in the eggshell, roll or fold fortunes and insert into empty egg. Apply a small amount of decoupage or glue to the ends of blown egg with paintbrush & seal hole with a small piece of tissue paper.

This is much more decoupage than is required. A thin smear around the hole will suffice.

PRINTABLE –> Easter Egg Fortune jokes and riddles

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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My kitchen counter is an egg sorting station based upon the destiny of each; some eggs will be hatched, eaten by my family, gifted and blown for various purposes including display or crafting and selling to fellow crafters, magazines and egg aficionados.  During the egg-blowing process some eggs don’t make the cut to be sold due to an imperfection, but, being an egg hoarder, I can’t bear to throw out a beautiful egg shell, which has left me with a stash of eggs ideally suited for certain craft projectsEaster Egg decorating and egg dyeing.

My daughters appreciate a good knock-knock joke, so I decided to fill some blown eggs with laughter this Easter instead of the usual candy, toys or money. The eggs will be cracked open to reveal the funny within.



Clean, empty eggs (plastic or blown eggs)
Modge Podge
tissue paper
small paintbrush
paper fortunes, jokes, riddles, etc. (see below)


Depending on the size of the hole in the eggshell, roll or fold fortunes and insert into empty egg. Apply a small amount of decoupage or glue to the ends of blown egg with paintbrush & seal hole with a small piece of tissue paper.

This is much more decoupage than is required. A thin smear around the hole will suffice.

PRINTABLE –> Easter Egg Fortune jokes and riddles

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Paula Gaumer Tooke
Paula Gaumer Tooke
11 years ago

You are SO making me a chicken/egg lover. Always liked the products, now I am learning to respect the producer. YEARS ago, Dad took Army classes, for advancement in the National Guard, from a man who taught in the poultry dept of Purdue University (Poultry and Army have nothing in common, except he wa sin the military and taught.) But, I digress. One year Dad came home and said the prof was operating on chickens so he could implant messages in their eggs for his kids for Easter. Ever Easter I remember that . . . bit I like your… Read more »

Jennifer Evans
Jennifer Evans
11 years ago

I'm really excited about this! I'm in the process of planning my very first chicken venture and this basket is just too adorable to not have for my new chicken project! :)

Michelle R. Rogers
Michelle R. Rogers
11 years ago

Hello! Thanks for this giveaway!

Kelsey Marie Caldwell
11 years ago

I liked I could use this basket, my girls are laying full force now! Thanks for the giveaway!
ruralmamak at gmail dot com

Laura Graham
Laura Graham
11 years ago

LOVE the egg basket! Also love the fortune eggs and all the egg hoarding ideas. ;-) Thanks,

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