As you can tell, it has been snowy and cold since the last Flock Focus Friday. The chickens and I have had enough! The weather-dude tells us that it’s going to warm up into the 40s this week, so you know what that means…let the flood gates open! <ugh> I’ve got a plan to make a floating bridge out of pallets, so at least the chickens have the opportunity to stay dry even if they don’t avail themselves of the life-raft.  Please enjoy the photos from the week- the color theme is black and white-like it or not, that’s what Mother Nature was serving up!

Partridge Cochin hen- looking for the highway south. 

The breed of this hen remains a mystery- she’s definitely a mix of Black Copper Marans, but I’m not sure who the other parent was.
Marilyn Monroe- my White Orpington hen. She’s an adventurous one!
Doc Brown (White crested Black Polish hen with Margarita, White Faced Black Spanish pullet) 
My new puppy, Milo, met Rachel for the first time recently. Milo wanted to play. Rachel…not so much.
Milo, perfecting the puppy dog face.

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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As you can tell, it has been snowy and cold since the last Flock Focus Friday. The chickens and I have had enough! The weather-dude tells us that it’s going to warm up into the 40s this week, so you know what that means…let the flood gates open! <ugh> I’ve got a plan to make a floating bridge out of pallets, so at least the chickens have the opportunity to stay dry even if they don’t avail themselves of the life-raft.  Please enjoy the photos from the week- the color theme is black and white-like it or not, that’s what Mother Nature was serving up!

Partridge Cochin hen- looking for the highway south. 

The breed of this hen remains a mystery- she’s definitely a mix of Black Copper Marans, but I’m not sure who the other parent was.
Marilyn Monroe- my White Orpington hen. She’s an adventurous one!
Doc Brown (White crested Black Polish hen with Margarita, White Faced Black Spanish pullet) 
My new puppy, Milo, met Rachel for the first time recently. Milo wanted to play. Rachel…not so much.
Milo, perfecting the puppy dog face.
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Jan Maine
Jan Maine
2025 years ago

Would love to hatch my own chicks. Thanks.

Terri Moser Lambert
Terri Moser Lambert
2025 years ago

I soooooo need this! I would love to have this size incubator to hatch my clack copper marans!

Stacy Clark
Stacy Clark
2025 years ago

Love those Brinsea!

2025 years ago

Hope I win an incubator! We recently moved to a farm and have started our adventure of raising animals and crops! We currently have 17 chickens and are hoping to grow our flock even larger! We also have 2 pigs and will be getting 4 baby Soay sheep in four weeks followed by 2 Kinder goats this fall! So exciting! And our 4 kids are loving every minute!

Jamie Dodd
Jamie Dodd
2025 years ago

Having chickens, Guinea fowl and Turkeys, I would be so over the moon to win this. Thanks you for all the wonderful info and amazing giveaways! :D