The expression on ellen’s face sums up the way we all felt at the beginning of this week as snow greeted spring here in New England. Opportunity has been knocking on my door all week and I can’t wait to be able to share all of the goings-ons with you as they unfold!

Windy, Blue Splash Marans hen.
Speckled Sussex fluffiness. (Kate)
Midge (Barred Plymouth Rock pullet)

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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The expression on ellen’s face sums up the way we all felt at the beginning of this week as snow greeted spring here in New England. Opportunity has been knocking on my door all week and I can’t wait to be able to share all of the goings-ons with you as they unfold!

Windy, Blue Splash Marans hen.
Speckled Sussex fluffiness. (Kate)
Midge (Barred Plymouth Rock pullet)
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Jeramy Lee
Jeramy Lee
2025 years ago

This is our first time with chicks. How neat to get them started off right with non GMO feed.

2025 years ago

Kathy, I am not entering a contest. I desperately need advise!!! My hen that is about a year old has swollen, dark wattles. She is eating great playing acting normal. I have read so many different things. Help?? Thank you, Lisa

2025 years ago

Love it!

2025 years ago

I subscribe….still time to enter?