The expression on ellen’s face sums up the way we all felt at the beginning of this week as snow greeted spring here in New England. Opportunity has been knocking on my door all week and I can’t wait to be able to share all of the goings-ons with you as they unfold!

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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The expression on ellen’s face sums up the way we all felt at the beginning of this week as snow greeted spring here in New England. Opportunity has been knocking on my door all week and I can’t wait to be able to share all of the goings-ons with you as they unfold!

I’m sure there’s gotta be a fellow tea-drinker in your flock somewhere. :)
Anyway, thanks again for another great opportunity! My Valley Hatchery Salmon Fav chicks would love to start off with this when they arrive in a few weeks! <3
I would love to have this for my gals!
I am a new subscriber to your blog yet I have been reading it for several months, I check into the products that you feature on your giveaways and have found that most of them I need not just want. Mr. Tennessee Flock Keeper has been the primary keeper for the past few years he’s done a great job but reading your blog and seeing those happy little faces of your girls, I want ours to be as happy. All are girls are in good health and with our new additions I would like to keep it that way, I… Read more »
Coffee, my day starts with it… Right after chickens, cat and dog are fed. Your photo’s and coffee thoughts are spot on!
I would love to try this on my Mille Fleur D Uccle chicks i got 2 weeks ago. I might also end up with a few EE/Araucana babies as well.