Christmas week here at Blazing Trails Farm was a challenge with on again, off again snow alternating with rain and sunshine. We are expecting eggs to hatch this coming week and are looking forward to sharing that experience with you as it happens, live!
The Olive Egger in the nest box on the right has been broody for nearly two weeks. When the eggs in the incubator hatch, I’ll slip them underneath her to raise.
Christmas morning breakfast consisted of steel cut and regular oatmeal with blueberries, apples and bananas. I put out several loaf pans so that there was no bickering and nobody left out.

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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Christmas week here at Blazing Trails Farm was a challenge with on again, off again snow alternating with rain and sunshine. We are expecting eggs to hatch this coming week and are looking forward to sharing that experience with you as it happens, live!
The Olive Egger in the nest box on the right has been broody for nearly two weeks. When the eggs in the incubator hatch, I’ll slip them underneath her to raise.
Christmas morning breakfast consisted of steel cut and regular oatmeal with blueberries, apples and bananas. I put out several loaf pans so that there was no bickering and nobody left out.

I am a follower and liker…..of course…..please enter me for the Happy Hens Treats. I have given all my live mealworms to the girls and need more desperately. Their feathers have grown back and they sure are a pretty sight. Egg production is also increasing. Hooray! Happy New Year to you and the girls.
Hope you had a Merry Christmas! Can't wait to see the pics from New Year's!
Love these for my chickens!!!
Would love to win the treats for chickens! Haven't seen any of it near here. Thanks for bringing so much valuable information on raising chickens to us. I started raising chickens a few years ago under protest (it was my son's idea, he wanted organic eggs) and now am hooked. I love my peeps!
Hope to win some chicken crack,our cooped fowl have a $20.00 a week habit. we may have to have an intervention soon. I am hesitant to stop them "cold turkey". any one with a fowl 12 step program, it may be hopeless due to the fact the flock does not have a desire to quit.