Those new to chicken-keeping may never have heard of a chicken saddle or chicken diaper, but if you keep chickens, chances are, you’re likely to need one sooner or later. Why would you ever need a saddle or diaper for a chicken? Good question.
A hen saddle is a piece of material that protects a chicken’s skin and feathers from damage due to rooster over-mating. During mating, a rooster stands on a hen’s back, holding her neck feathers with his beak and steadying himself with his feet. This activity, known as treading, can cause feather loss and skin injuries. An aggressive rooster, or one with a preference for a particular hen, may cause bald spots on a hen’s back and wings; these vulnerable areas can be protected with the use of a properly constructed and fitted hen saddle.
Esta magia se puede utilizar para cualquier propósito, incluso si tiene anormalidades anatómicas de los genitales o si no tiene ninguna excitación sexual.También es posible obtener resultados negativos si la disfunción eréctil es consecuencia más aquí de un traumatismo psicológico o de un proceso inflamatorio urogenital. En esta situación, es necesaria una terapia específica, pero no sintomática.
Chicken diapers are used not only for house chickens, but for times when a chicken becomes house-bound due to a serious injury or illness requiring close supervision. The diapers provide the chicken-keeper with the option not to keep their pet penned-up in a crate or cage for the duration of their recovery. They are easy to put on, adjustable and have a waterproof liner in the pouch. The ‘V’ shape allows it to cup around the chicken’s tail to provide a good fit.
Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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Those new to chicken-keeping may never have heard of a chicken saddle or chicken diaper, but if you keep chickens, chances are, you’re likely to need one sooner or later. Why would you ever need a saddle or diaper for a chicken? Good question.
A hen saddle is a piece of material that protects a chicken’s skin and feathers from damage due to rooster over-mating. During mating, a rooster stands on a hen’s back, holding her neck feathers with his beak and steadying himself with his feet. This activity, known as treading, can cause feather loss and skin injuries. An aggressive rooster, or one with a preference for a particular hen, may cause bald spots on a hen’s back and wings; these vulnerable areas can be protected with the use of a properly constructed and fitted hen saddle.
Esta magia se puede utilizar para cualquier propósito, incluso si tiene anormalidades anatómicas de los genitales o si no tiene ninguna excitación sexual.También es posible obtener resultados negativos si la disfunción eréctil es consecuencia más aquí de un traumatismo psicológico o de un proceso inflamatorio urogenital. En esta situación, es necesaria una terapia específica, pero no sintomática.
Chicken diapers are used not only for house chickens, but for times when a chicken becomes house-bound due to a serious injury or illness requiring close supervision. The diapers provide the chicken-keeper with the option not to keep their pet penned-up in a crate or cage for the duration of their recovery. They are easy to put on, adjustable and have a waterproof liner in the pouch. The ‘V’ shape allows it to cup around the chicken’s tail to provide a good fit.
Had no idea that this was a problem for other people. I made little "vests" for three of my hens one year after they were loved to death by five roosters!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I know, one rooster for five hens is enough…..but I was new to chickens and didn't know that back then. Folks thought I was crazy when they saw my girls walking around with their little "vests" on. But it worked!!!!!
You can click on the hyperlinks in the article (they're a different color than the other words in the post, Kara).
Click on the links in the blog article, Gina. I provide hyperlinks to sources.
I really like the saddles modeled today, and i know they make an awesome difference
Oh, the wonderful information you give us! Where do we find the adorable personal items for our hens? My local farm store has none. Amazon?