Are you afraid you might be a chicken addict? I hear ya. I asked a few of my Facebook peeps the same question and received the following responses from certified, card-carrying chicken addicts. Some of the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

You might be a chicken addict if…

your rooster was the ring bearer at your wedding.

Alisha Tomlinson: “Your rooster was the ring bearer at your wedding.”

you rode to your own wedding in the back of your husbands truck, sitting on a chicken cage to your little farm.

Lisa Eakins Church: “You rode to your own wedding in the back of your husbands truck, sitting on a chicken cage to your little farm.”

you are banned from the local feed stores until chick season is over!

Amy Kuehn Kalna: “You are banned from the local feed stores until chick season is over!”

you have 6 hens that watch television with your family every night!

Elissa Beth Shriver: “You have 6 hens that watch television with your family every night!”

you drive for 9 hours straight just to get more.

Deborah Harton: “You drive for 9 hours straight just to get more.”

you built a new coop with more square footage than your first house.

Angela Mercer-Penny: “You built a new coop with more square footage than your first house.”

Jennifer Harvin“You have a brooder next to your bed with a hatching mama in it.”

Sue Churchill: “You look at the tree in your backyard and see a mother hen (beak pointing left) with her baby in front, head down behind the bananas.”

Lee Lanier: “You have more pictures of your chickens on Facebook then of your own kids and family.”

you have more pictures of your chickens on facebook then of your own kids and family.

If no explanation is necessary

every time you see something with chickens on it, you buy it even if you have NO idea what it is.
every time you see something with chickens on it, you buy it even if you have NO idea what it is.

Lisa in Oregon: “You make a whole camp in your living room for the grandkids to stay over, not because it’s really a fun game, but because the spare room has chicks in it.”

Alicia Smith: “Every time you see something with chickens on it, you buy it even if you have NO idea what it is.”

every time you see something with chickens on it, you buy it even if you have NO idea what it is.
you take chicken butt pictures and text them to your husband at work after asking him to "guess what?"

Angie Tamara Reed“You take chicken butt pictures and text them to your husband at work after asking him to “guess what?”

Alicia Parker“You call home while on vacation just to check on how the chicks are doing!”

you walk in the kitchen to find you 2 yr old had pulled up a chair, grabbed and flashlight and is now candling eggs.

Loretta Mae Forman: “You walk in the kitchen to find your 2 yr old had pulled up a chair, grabbed and flashlight and is now candling eggs.”

Alicia Smith: ‎ “You bawk out the window while driving ..and crow randomly and your boyfriend says: “you’re alright, it’s the rest of the world that’s messed up.”

Elissa Powell: “You’ve used your sewing/carpentry/cooking skills more for your chickens than your family since you got them.”

Nest box curtains, courtesy of Debbie Cade.
you keep hatching chicks until you have at least a pair of every shade and color of the same breed.

Melissa Bayness“You keep hatching chicks until you have at least a pair of every shade and color of the same breed.”

Sara Sweatman: “You spend more time looking at chicken blogs than doing chores!”

you have 3 incubators going, 2 silkie hens inside your house sitting on eggs and 2 brooder tubs of chicks and you're still checking out hatchery websites. Just a normal spring, right?

Elizabeth White: “You already have 150 chickens (or more!) and just ordered more chicks AND some hatching eggs.”

Lisa Woods: “You have 3 incubators going, 2 silkie hens inside your house sitting on eggs and 2 brooder tubs of chicks and you’re still checking out hatchery websites. Just a normal spring, right?”

you take your little splay legged chick into the office with you so you can make sure that it gets it's therapy, food and water...and decide that if it stays splay legged you will just build it it's own coop so none of the others will pick on it.

Leslie Bush Johns: “You take your little splay legged chick into the office with you so you can make sure that it gets it’s therapy, food and water…and decide that if it stays splay legged you will just build it it’s own coop so none of the others will pick on it.”

Angelia Marie Strong “You wake up to not only a real rooster crowing but your alarm clock sounds like one too.”

Kristin Weismiller “You have 2 pullets living in your bathtub for 3 months so they don’t get their feet dirty.”

you have 2 pullets living in your bathtub for 3 months so they don't get their feet dirty.

Kara Methvin Redden: “You made your daughter hold the phone up to the hens so you could congratulate them on their first batch of eggs- and they cackled back at you.”

you accidently go to the feed store insteed of the grocery store.

Kim Brennecke Harden: “You accidentally go to the feed store instead of the grocery store.”

Sabina Smith : “You take your new baby roo to that Tasty Freeze with you- just to show him off – and he gets his own cone.”

 you take your new baby roo to that Tasty Freeze with you- just to show him off - and he gets his own cone.

Amber Bachmann : “You push a stroller occupied by a 10 month old boy with a huge Cochin in his lap because Helga thinks she’s hatching a baby.”

Judy Jacobs: “You keep reading those breeder catalogs, even though you know your spouse is correct in reminding you that you already have enough chickens. And you haven’t told him about the hens brooding in the coop. Yet.”

Felicia Johnson: “Your mother refers to your chickens as her grandbabies.”

your friends send you pictures of chickens they see on their vacations.

Lisa Finnegan-Rawlins: “Your friends send you pictures of chickens they see on their vacations.”

Audrey Siebert: “You sit with your rooster on your lap crowing at him, trying to get him to crow back.”

Gayle Loken“You chop up the kitchen scraps for the chickens and it looks better than your own dinner.”

Kristin Dorton“You go to Ireland on a trip and take pictures of fresh eggs that are routinely stored on the shelf in the grocery store, no doubt causing the locals to think “crazy American.”

you remember all your hens names (30 of them) but cant remember your neighbor's name.

Barb Hladick: “You remember all your hens names (30 of them) but cant remember your neighbor’s name.”

Shanya Gilliam: “Your “city” friends all think that you’re nuts for turning your half acre property into a farm yard and one of them ceremoniously tags your house on Facebook with a “check in” as the Gilliam Farm.”

your "city" friends all think that you're nuts for turning your half acre property into a farm yard and one of them ceremoniously tags your house on Facebook with a "check in" as the Gilliam Farm.

Kimberley Gonzales Carville: “Your friends without chickens have Eye Roll Syndrome. Most serious cases are easily recognizable since groans accompany the eye roll as soon as you begin speaking about your chickens.”

you find yourself giving advice on a parenting board to moms about how to keep flies away with vanilla tree air fresheners.

Kama Ogden: “You find yourself giving advice on a parenting board to moms about how to keep flies away with vanilla tree air fresheners.”

Elissa Powell: “Nail salon employees remember you excitedly after your first visit, more than a month later, as the Chicken Lady.”

Kyra Jean Suwak : “You look loving at your husband during your long holiday away from home in two years and just by the look on your face he asks: “Have you called the chicken sitter to see how it’s going? Maybe you should.”

your chickens have a baby book and your non-feathered baby doesn't.

Brenda Mihalopoulos: “Your chickens have a baby book and your non-feathered baby doesn’t.”

Kyra Jean Suwak: “You buy basically useless land around you in the city, hire a surveyor, landscape architect, and building architect to improve the ‘gully’ so you can keep more chickens.”

Jolie Larsen: “You take your $30 Fiskar scissors to cut up the chickens’ alfalfa into bite-sized pieces, all because you read an article on sour crop.”

your wife says "One more chicken and I'm leaving" and you think: "Boy, I'm going to miss her!"

Michael Drobitsky: “Your wife says “One more chicken and I’m leaving” and you think: “Boy, I’m going to miss her!”

You might be a chicken addict if...

Ilean Roberts-Hardy: “If you go to the grocery store and find yourself in the fresh produce picking out the best for your girls, get super excited about your finds and forget to buy your own groceries.”

You might be a chicken addict if...

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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Are you afraid you might be a chicken addict? I hear ya. I asked a few of my Facebook peeps the same question and received the following responses from certified, card-carrying chicken addicts. Some of the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

You might be a chicken addict if…

your rooster was the ring bearer at your wedding.

Alisha Tomlinson: “Your rooster was the ring bearer at your wedding.”

you rode to your own wedding in the back of your husbands truck, sitting on a chicken cage to your little farm.

Lisa Eakins Church: “You rode to your own wedding in the back of your husbands truck, sitting on a chicken cage to your little farm.”

you are banned from the local feed stores until chick season is over!

Amy Kuehn Kalna: “You are banned from the local feed stores until chick season is over!”

you have 6 hens that watch television with your family every night!

Elissa Beth Shriver: “You have 6 hens that watch television with your family every night!”

you drive for 9 hours straight just to get more.

Deborah Harton: “You drive for 9 hours straight just to get more.”

you built a new coop with more square footage than your first house.

Angela Mercer-Penny: “You built a new coop with more square footage than your first house.”

Jennifer Harvin“You have a brooder next to your bed with a hatching mama in it.”

Sue Churchill: “You look at the tree in your backyard and see a mother hen (beak pointing left) with her baby in front, head down behind the bananas.”

Lee Lanier: “You have more pictures of your chickens on Facebook then of your own kids and family.”

you have more pictures of your chickens on facebook then of your own kids and family.

If no explanation is necessary

every time you see something with chickens on it, you buy it even if you have NO idea what it is.
every time you see something with chickens on it, you buy it even if you have NO idea what it is.

Lisa in Oregon: “You make a whole camp in your living room for the grandkids to stay over, not because it’s really a fun game, but because the spare room has chicks in it.”

Alicia Smith: “Every time you see something with chickens on it, you buy it even if you have NO idea what it is.”

every time you see something with chickens on it, you buy it even if you have NO idea what it is.
you take chicken butt pictures and text them to your husband at work after asking him to "guess what?"

Angie Tamara Reed“You take chicken butt pictures and text them to your husband at work after asking him to “guess what?”

Alicia Parker“You call home while on vacation just to check on how the chicks are doing!”

you walk in the kitchen to find you 2 yr old had pulled up a chair, grabbed and flashlight and is now candling eggs.

Loretta Mae Forman: “You walk in the kitchen to find your 2 yr old had pulled up a chair, grabbed and flashlight and is now candling eggs.”

Alicia Smith: ‎ “You bawk out the window while driving ..and crow randomly and your boyfriend says: “you’re alright, it’s the rest of the world that’s messed up.”

Elissa Powell: “You’ve used your sewing/carpentry/cooking skills more for your chickens than your family since you got them.”

Nest box curtains, courtesy of Debbie Cade.
you keep hatching chicks until you have at least a pair of every shade and color of the same breed.

Melissa Bayness“You keep hatching chicks until you have at least a pair of every shade and color of the same breed.”

Sara Sweatman: “You spend more time looking at chicken blogs than doing chores!”

you have 3 incubators going, 2 silkie hens inside your house sitting on eggs and 2 brooder tubs of chicks and you're still checking out hatchery websites. Just a normal spring, right?

Elizabeth White: “You already have 150 chickens (or more!) and just ordered more chicks AND some hatching eggs.”

Lisa Woods: “You have 3 incubators going, 2 silkie hens inside your house sitting on eggs and 2 brooder tubs of chicks and you’re still checking out hatchery websites. Just a normal spring, right?”

you take your little splay legged chick into the office with you so you can make sure that it gets it's therapy, food and water...and decide that if it stays splay legged you will just build it it's own coop so none of the others will pick on it.

Leslie Bush Johns: “You take your little splay legged chick into the office with you so you can make sure that it gets it’s therapy, food and water…and decide that if it stays splay legged you will just build it it’s own coop so none of the others will pick on it.”

Angelia Marie Strong “You wake up to not only a real rooster crowing but your alarm clock sounds like one too.”

Kristin Weismiller “You have 2 pullets living in your bathtub for 3 months so they don’t get their feet dirty.”

you have 2 pullets living in your bathtub for 3 months so they don't get their feet dirty.

Kara Methvin Redden: “You made your daughter hold the phone up to the hens so you could congratulate them on their first batch of eggs- and they cackled back at you.”

you accidently go to the feed store insteed of the grocery store.

Kim Brennecke Harden: “You accidentally go to the feed store instead of the grocery store.”

Sabina Smith : “You take your new baby roo to that Tasty Freeze with you- just to show him off – and he gets his own cone.”

 you take your new baby roo to that Tasty Freeze with you- just to show him off - and he gets his own cone.

Amber Bachmann : “You push a stroller occupied by a 10 month old boy with a huge Cochin in his lap because Helga thinks she’s hatching a baby.”

Judy Jacobs: “You keep reading those breeder catalogs, even though you know your spouse is correct in reminding you that you already have enough chickens. And you haven’t told him about the hens brooding in the coop. Yet.”

Felicia Johnson: “Your mother refers to your chickens as her grandbabies.”

your friends send you pictures of chickens they see on their vacations.

Lisa Finnegan-Rawlins: “Your friends send you pictures of chickens they see on their vacations.”

Audrey Siebert: “You sit with your rooster on your lap crowing at him, trying to get him to crow back.”

Gayle Loken“You chop up the kitchen scraps for the chickens and it looks better than your own dinner.”

Kristin Dorton“You go to Ireland on a trip and take pictures of fresh eggs that are routinely stored on the shelf in the grocery store, no doubt causing the locals to think “crazy American.”

you remember all your hens names (30 of them) but cant remember your neighbor's name.

Barb Hladick: “You remember all your hens names (30 of them) but cant remember your neighbor’s name.”

Shanya Gilliam: “Your “city” friends all think that you’re nuts for turning your half acre property into a farm yard and one of them ceremoniously tags your house on Facebook with a “check in” as the Gilliam Farm.”

your "city" friends all think that you're nuts for turning your half acre property into a farm yard and one of them ceremoniously tags your house on Facebook with a "check in" as the Gilliam Farm.

Kimberley Gonzales Carville: “Your friends without chickens have Eye Roll Syndrome. Most serious cases are easily recognizable since groans accompany the eye roll as soon as you begin speaking about your chickens.”

you find yourself giving advice on a parenting board to moms about how to keep flies away with vanilla tree air fresheners.

Kama Ogden: “You find yourself giving advice on a parenting board to moms about how to keep flies away with vanilla tree air fresheners.”

Elissa Powell: “Nail salon employees remember you excitedly after your first visit, more than a month later, as the Chicken Lady.”

Kyra Jean Suwak : “You look loving at your husband during your long holiday away from home in two years and just by the look on your face he asks: “Have you called the chicken sitter to see how it’s going? Maybe you should.”

your chickens have a baby book and your non-feathered baby doesn't.

Brenda Mihalopoulos: “Your chickens have a baby book and your non-feathered baby doesn’t.”

Kyra Jean Suwak: “You buy basically useless land around you in the city, hire a surveyor, landscape architect, and building architect to improve the ‘gully’ so you can keep more chickens.”

Jolie Larsen: “You take your $30 Fiskar scissors to cut up the chickens’ alfalfa into bite-sized pieces, all because you read an article on sour crop.”

your wife says "One more chicken and I'm leaving" and you think: "Boy, I'm going to miss her!"

Michael Drobitsky: “Your wife says “One more chicken and I’m leaving” and you think: “Boy, I’m going to miss her!”

You might be a chicken addict if...

Ilean Roberts-Hardy: “If you go to the grocery store and find yourself in the fresh produce picking out the best for your girls, get super excited about your finds and forget to buy your own groceries.”

You might be a chicken addict if...
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Natalie Mansfield
Natalie Mansfield
6 years ago

??‍♀️ GUILTY! ????????????

10 years ago

OMG I so have to do this. Why stop at merely having more pics of the chicks on your phone, that you do of humans!

joy trimboli
joy trimboli
10 years ago

or try to hush your friends when they ask…"so how many do you have now?" i have to give them the "look" and a quiet shhhhh……

joy trimboli
joy trimboli
10 years ago

but the point is i have learned to sew better and use power tools!

joy trimboli
joy trimboli
10 years ago

so true!

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