The Chicken Chick’s Guide to Backyard Chickens
Keep backyard chickens confidently and simply with Kathy Shea Mormino’s practical, down-to-earth approach and common sense methods guiding you every step of the way! Her informative style and fun-loving personality permeate this book as she guides newbie, veteran, and aspiring chickeneers alike through all aspects of small-flock care… from buying chicks to healthcare, feeding, egg production and much more!
“Kathy provides excellent information in a well-organized format about how to maintain the health of chickens and care for them properly. As a chicken owner myself, her book enlightened me on husbandry practices that I will incorporate into my flock. I am thrilled to have this comprehensive guide to pet chickens as a resources and will recommend it to all of my poultry clients.”
Forrest I. Townsend, III. DVM. DACV
“Kathy provides excellent information in a well-organized format about how to maintain the health of chickens and care for them properly. As a chicken owner myself, her book enlightened me on husbandry practices that I will incorporate into my flock. I am thrilled to have this comprehensive guide to pet chickens as a resources and will recommend it to all of my poultry clients.”
Forrest I. Townsend, III. DVM. DACV
what readers HAVE TO SAY
“Kathy’s Chicken Chick blog is one of the few consistently reliable online sources of information on all things chicken. Her book does not disappoint.”
Best-selling poultry author Gail Damerow
“The Chicken Chick® Facebook page and blog are meccas of chicken-keeping knowledge and first-hand expertise, and Kathy’s book continues in that same spirit. Grab a pen as you read, because you’ll want to underline and dog-ear constantly. Newbies and seasoned poultry owners will learn something new and invaluable on nearly every page, from fun tips, to advice that may literally save a bird’s life. A must-own for poultry owners and anyone looking to start this incredibly rewarding hobby.”
Brettan Hawkins, Social Media Manager, Tractor Supply Company
“Kathy holds your hand from the very first page. Her book is packed with practical, sound advice. She’ll help you set up your coop the right way and help you decide which chicks to purchase. From the brooder to the coop (and by the way, her coops are adorable!) you’ll know how to care for your flock with confidence.”
Kathi Rodgers, Oak Hill HomesteadCompany
“”Kathy goes into great detail teaching you how to raise a healthy, happy flock of hens. With 12 chapters each one is packed with information that will assist you every step of the way.”
Carole West, Garden Up Green
“I’ve known and worked with Kathy since 2011, and I am very pleased finally to see a backyard chicken book written by someone so knowledgeable and dedicated to finding and spreading real facts that dispel many of the rumors surrounding backyard chicken keeping. You are holding a well-written and reliably fact-checked book–and an invaluable addition to your bookshelf!”
Mike Petrik, DVM, MsC, aka “Mike, The Chicken Vet”
“The book is attractively designed with splendid photographs by the author that showcase her inviting landscape and beautiful birds. The glossary and index confirm that this is more than a pretty book, however, cementing its utility as a reference for the hen-inclined.” “Mormino seems like a person who would be fun to sit down to coffee with, to chat with about pretty much anything — including, of course, her feathered friends — and that approachability shines through in this volume.”
Gretchen Heber, Gardener’s Path
“Very well written. Very informative. Very comprehensive. I am new to the idea/practice of caring for chickens so this really opened up my eyes to so many aspects of what this would mean. Needless to say, it definitely made me reconsider having chickens right now which is good because I would not have been ready… although I feel much better about a plan for having them in the future! This is an excellent informational resource for anyone considering chickens as pets.”
Victoria Peipert, Goodreads