My 8 year old daughter has begun asking questions about Santa’s existence.  On the way home from piano lessons tonight, she asked, “Mom, how can Santa be real.” I know it won’t be long before I’m going to have to give her straight answers to the Santa questions.

In poking around online trying to get some ideas from other parents about how they have handled this sensitive subject, I found a letter written by Martha Brockenbrough to her daughter Lucy, which answers the Santa question so beautifully that I cannot imagine any other way to tell my daughters the truth. With this letter as a parenting tool, I feel they will be given a gift that will help them keep the magic of Santa in their hearts forever regardless of the season.

This is the actual letter I will give my daughters when they are ready with much gratitude to Martha Brockenbrough.

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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My 8 year old daughter has begun asking questions about Santa’s existence.  On the way home from piano lessons tonight, she asked, “Mom, how can Santa be real.” I know it won’t be long before I’m going to have to give her straight answers to the Santa questions.

In poking around online trying to get some ideas from other parents about how they have handled this sensitive subject, I found a letter written by Martha Brockenbrough to her daughter Lucy, which answers the Santa question so beautifully that I cannot imagine any other way to tell my daughters the truth. With this letter as a parenting tool, I feel they will be given a gift that will help them keep the magic of Santa in their hearts forever regardless of the season.

This is the actual letter I will give my daughters when they are ready with much gratitude to Martha Brockenbrough.
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Bonnie Frank
Bonnie Frank
11 years ago

Beautiful! I would have loved to receive a letter like this when I was six and my sister told me there was no Santa. I pinned this to my "parenting" board on Pinterest so other parents can see it!

11 years ago

What a beautiful way to explain it!! Definitely saving this one for the future.

11 years ago

Thanks for sharing, JoeyLea.

Diane Poole Gilbert
Diane Poole Gilbert
11 years ago

That made me cry! Thank you….my daughter has been asking this and I figure this will be the last real "Santa Claus" Christmas…this goes along with what I have been telling her to believe in the spirit of Christmas. Merry Christmas!!!

Cheryl Postma
Cheryl Postma
11 years ago

That is so very sweet! My children are Teena now and remember the sadness I felt when they became "too old" to believe in Santa. Hold on to that innocence and magic that Christmas brings to children for as long as you can.