A few months ago I was contacted by Jon Kamp, a reporter from the Wall Street Journal who was researching a story loosely related to chickens; in that conversation, I mentioned the problem with finding qualified healthcare providers for backyard chickens, which ultimately resulted in several more interviews on the subject, a visit to my farm and an excellent article, which appeared on the front page of this week’s Wall Street Journal! Many thanks to Mr. Kamp for his interest in this subject, which as helped raise awareness of the need for trained medical professionals to care for backyard chickens.
Two Serama chicks (far left) and three Polish Crested chicks. Big week for them in which they had their first chance to play outside and moved into the Big Girl Coop! They’re using an EcoGlow brooder inside a large wire dog crate.
In other news this week: I met with Zoning Department staff members at the request of the Zoning Commission to discuss tweaking my proposed text amendment to the zoning regulations that I argued to the Commission last week. While I’d like to report that the meeting went as well as the public hearing, I left with the sense that the zoning staff members are not as open to “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” regulations as the Commission seemed to be. My attorney and I have a plan. I’ll keep you posted.
I received a phone call from the vet at the poultry pathology lab regarding Brutus’ necropsy. While a final report was expected last week, they needed to perform more tissue testing this week. The vet indicated the final report would be issued this afternoon, but as of the writing of this post, there are 20 minutes left to their business day and I have received nothing. Phone calls have been placed and messages left. I’ll keep you posted.

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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A few months ago I was contacted by Jon Kamp, a reporter from the Wall Street Journal who was researching a story loosely related to chickens; in that conversation, I mentioned the problem with finding qualified healthcare providers for backyard chickens, which ultimately resulted in several more interviews on the subject, a visit to my farm and an excellent article, which appeared on the front page of this week’s Wall Street Journal! Many thanks to Mr. Kamp for his interest in this subject, which as helped raise awareness of the need for trained medical professionals to care for backyard chickens.
Two Serama chicks (far left) and three Polish Crested chicks. Big week for them in which they had their first chance to play outside and moved into the Big Girl Coop! They’re using an EcoGlow brooder inside a large wire dog crate.
In other news this week: I met with Zoning Department staff members at the request of the Zoning Commission to discuss tweaking my proposed text amendment to the zoning regulations that I argued to the Commission last week. While I’d like to report that the meeting went as well as the public hearing, I left with the sense that the zoning staff members are not as open to “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” regulations as the Commission seemed to be. My attorney and I have a plan. I’ll keep you posted.
I received a phone call from the vet at the poultry pathology lab regarding Brutus’ necropsy. While a final report was expected last week, they needed to perform more tissue testing this week. The vet indicated the final report would be issued this afternoon, but as of the writing of this post, there are 20 minutes left to their business day and I have received nothing. Phone calls have been placed and messages left. I’ll keep you posted.

I am so happy to connect with others that love chickens as much as I do.I love that they don't roll their eyes like my older kids do and talk back.lol.Well, I have no problem listening to the peaceful sounds of chicken ease. Takes me back to my childhood when I loved visiting my Uncle Herbert's farm .Riding on the turkeys, collecting the eggs and hoping the peacocks will fan their brilliant tale feathers.Simpler times….. Chicken girl, Melody Fox
Hey ChickenChick! I just wanted you to know that I love, love, your since of humour! I have 18 chickens and one rooster, I love sitting outside watching their unique personalities. I adopted 5 more chickens about 56 months ago. My rooster Chirpie was hatched by one of my older hens. He was so cute and sweet when he was born, I immediately fell in love with him. One problem is, Chirpie has a bad habit of chasing us! Any of your roosters ever chased you, how about St Eve? One day I was bending down to pull some cucumbers… Read more »
Got a huge, double yolked egg today from my BR pullet. 3 out of 4 are laying now. So fun. Thank you for all your articles, love reading them!
We can not make it a day without out daily Rachel. She makes us laugh.
Love your blog! My girls are starting to lay again. :)