This week would have been perfect but for the stomach flu that leveled me for a good 48 hours. I did manage to sneak outside during a delusional spell to snap a few pics only to regret that decision very quickly. I recovered in time to enjoy the remainder of the week though and it was spectacular! Please enjoy the photos of my peeps and thanks for visiting!
My P. Allen Smith babies are GINORMOUS. They’re feathering out like crazy and revealing their genders. From what I can tell, there is a male Silver Laced Wyandotte, a female Black White Faced Spanish, a female Barred Plymouth Rock and a pair of Silver Grey Dorkings! Not shown are a Buff Orpington female, and a Light Sussex male with an attitude as big as any I have ever seen in a chick!

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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This week would have been perfect but for the stomach flu that leveled me for a good 48 hours. I did manage to sneak outside during a delusional spell to snap a few pics only to regret that decision very quickly. I recovered in time to enjoy the remainder of the week though and it was spectacular! Please enjoy the photos of my peeps and thanks for visiting!
My P. Allen Smith babies are GINORMOUS. They’re feathering out like crazy and revealing their genders. From what I can tell, there is a male Silver Laced Wyandotte, a female Black White Faced Spanish, a female Barred Plymouth Rock and a pair of Silver Grey Dorkings! Not shown are a Buff Orpington female, and a Light Sussex male with an attitude as big as any I have ever seen in a chick!

Would love these for my chickies!
Every hen would be a Happy Hen to win these. I must say your picture taking skills are getting even better. These are just beautiful.
What a great prize! I would say"for my girls" but after reading one of your articles I'm convinced that my Ginger is a Gerry! Is there a site or place that I can find a good home and will take Roosters that won't kill them? Ginger has always been my fav.
Caesar is starting to look a lot like Brutus did!
You have been so very helpful with all your advice and pictures; cannot say thanks enough. We will have to share a video with you of our chickens swinging. They love it