What a fantastic week it has been! All kinds of great goings-on, including buds opening on flowers and trees, temps in the eighties, new sponsors and opportunities knocking, justice doing its thing for the good guys and Blaze’s chicks hatching by the dozen! I’ll keep you updated on all of the above in due time. Please enjoy some of the photos taken in my chicken yard this week and Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms who have done or are doing The most important job in the world, bar none.
The flock celebrates its matriarch, Freida, as Mother Hen of the Year for 6 consecutive years!

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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What a fantastic week it has been! All kinds of great goings-on, including buds opening on flowers and trees, temps in the eighties, new sponsors and opportunities knocking, justice doing its thing for the good guys and Blaze’s chicks hatching by the dozen! I’ll keep you updated on all of the above in due time. Please enjoy some of the photos taken in my chicken yard this week and Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms who have done or are doing The most important job in the world, bar none.
The flock celebrates its matriarch, Freida, as Mother Hen of the Year for 6 consecutive years!

With there being a different ways of adding more chickens to a flock, I love the thought of any new babies brought into my flock being hatched right into the home they will be spoiled in! I have held off adding thus far, a win would surely kick start the process!
It’s as easy as it gets!
We have a different incubator, which I’m not entirely happy with. I’d love a mini incubator that lets us see the eggs and hatchlings so clearly.
How difficult is this incubator to use?
What a great learning experience this would be for my grandchildren. I just have to say the first picture looks like your girls are line dancing :)