The flock hasn’t been the same since our fearless leader Blaze passed away. The preliminary necropsy report ruled out trauma as a cause of death, so we know for certain that none of the other roosters were to blame for his untimely departure. An enlarged spleen was the only abnormal finding in the post mortem exam, but the results from the tissue samples offered no definitive cause for the enlarged spleen.

Rachel & Blaze, The Royal Couple. ♥

If you missed my recent Facebook Coop Photo Contest, please feel free to view the amazing entries on Facebook or my Pinterest Chicken Coops Board!

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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The flock hasn’t been the same since our fearless leader Blaze passed away. The preliminary necropsy report ruled out trauma as a cause of death, so we know for certain that none of the other roosters were to blame for his untimely departure. An enlarged spleen was the only abnormal finding in the post mortem exam, but the results from the tissue samples offered no definitive cause for the enlarged spleen.

Rachel & Blaze, The Royal Couple. ♥

If you missed my recent Facebook Coop Photo Contest, please feel free to view the amazing entries on Facebook or my Pinterest Chicken Coops Board!

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Tamara Glocar Kendall
Tamara Glocar Kendall
2025 years ago

Sorry about Blaze. I had my own special guy from some English Orpingtons we hatched and I could not keep him. He was a gorgeous solid black and it was just like losing him the day I sent him to a new home. Losing a pet it never easy, no matter the circumstance. We love these crazy critters, right?! On a more happy note, I would love one of the Grandpa’s Feeders. I have looked at longingly for quite some time, but never had the need to break down and buy one yet.

Mandy White
Mandy White
2025 years ago

Your comments totally make the pictures!

Dora Hulett
Dora Hulett
2025 years ago

Thank you for the chance to win the feeder !!

2025 years ago

Oh my, how sad! Not knowing is the worse. I hope the test results reveal something so you have closure. I ha e a little runt I’m rooting for here… Hoping she makes it as she’s full of personality! Time will tell…. I’ve been reading up on the grandpas feeders lately, hemming and hawing about investing so much in a feeder as they aren’t cheap. But I think the field Mice are giving my flock a run for their money (and my budget a serious dent) as I am filling the feeders every 3 days just to keep something in… Read more »

Kimberly Swenson
Kimberly Swenson
2025 years ago

Kathy I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It brings tears to my eye when someone loses one of their beloved flock. He was a beautiful guy! God bless you and I hope the results of the necropsy answers the unknown.

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