The flock hasn’t been the same since our fearless leader Blaze passed away. The preliminary necropsy report ruled out trauma as a cause of death, so we know for certain that none of the other roosters were to blame for his untimely departure. An enlarged spleen was the only abnormal finding in the post mortem exam, but the results from the tissue samples offered no definitive cause for the enlarged spleen.

Rachel & Blaze, The Royal Couple. ♥

If you missed my recent Facebook Coop Photo Contest, please feel free to view the amazing entries on Facebook or my Pinterest Chicken Coops Board!

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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The flock hasn’t been the same since our fearless leader Blaze passed away. The preliminary necropsy report ruled out trauma as a cause of death, so we know for certain that none of the other roosters were to blame for his untimely departure. An enlarged spleen was the only abnormal finding in the post mortem exam, but the results from the tissue samples offered no definitive cause for the enlarged spleen.

Rachel & Blaze, The Royal Couple. ♥

If you missed my recent Facebook Coop Photo Contest, please feel free to view the amazing entries on Facebook or my Pinterest Chicken Coops Board!

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Darcey Byrne
Darcey Byrne
2025 years ago

Kathy, why is it we feel this loss so much. These feathered friends just get so deep into our hearts and lives it amazes me. Of the four Barred Rocks I got as chicks only one survives – a poor temperament rooster and two hens did not make it.
Would love the feeder for the girls. The flock will expand next year. And the year after….

DeDe Neumann
DeDe Neumann
2025 years ago

I’m a new chicken Mom and I’m getting very attached. Each has their own distinct personality. I’m sorry you lost Blaze..he was obviously quite the character.

Heather Johnson
Heather Johnson
2025 years ago

Wow that is the coolest feeder I have ever seen.It would be so much fun to have one!

Jamie B
Jamie B
2025 years ago

Since an enlarged spleen can be a sign of lots of things but is one of the primary signs of Avian Hepevirus, are you taking any precautions for the rest of your flock while you wait for the necropsy? I read that it is often spread through fecal matter in their drinking water.

Clu Long
Clu Long
2025 years ago

I’m So sorry to hear about Blaze. We had a chick that was stepped on by my preschooler on accident. We only had her a week, but she was the sweetest little thing. I can’t imagine how I will feel once I have them (hopefully) for years…

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