Spring struggled mightily to arrive as scheduled this week, but more of winter’s freezing temperatures over-stayed their welcome. There is light at the end of the tunnel though as we look forward to temps in the 50s this coming week.

I have to believe that drinking the snow melt is my flock’s idea of helping erase The Eternal Winter.
Spartacus. Open arms for Blaze’s welcome back to the flock after his protracted stay in the infirmary?
Blaze. Hugs for Spartacus?
Not so much.

Thanks for visiting and have a great week!

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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Spring struggled mightily to arrive as scheduled this week, but more of winter’s freezing temperatures over-stayed their welcome. There is light at the end of the tunnel though as we look forward to temps in the 50s this coming week.

I have to believe that drinking the snow melt is my flock’s idea of helping erase The Eternal Winter.
Spartacus. Open arms for Blaze’s welcome back to the flock after his protracted stay in the infirmary?
Blaze. Hugs for Spartacus?
Not so much.

Thanks for visiting and have a great week!
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Eilene Corcoran
Eilene Corcoran
10 years ago

That nest box is so cool! Where do you find all these things? I took two drawers from an old nightstand, waterproofed them and threw them in the egg box area. With curtains, of course…. they drawers cost me 50 cents each, so I can't complain, but I'm sure my new girls would like an upgrade. So far, my new flock includes two easter eggers, one welsummer, one golden-laced wyandotte, and an orpington that looks like it is goingto be splash. I didn't know orpingtons could be splash. The wyandotte is only a week old, and it has the stubbiest… Read more »

Dawn Price Welliever
Dawn Price Welliever
10 years ago

That is the coolest nesting box. My girls would sooo love to sit their fannies in there while they are laying their eggs!!! Ty!

10 years ago

I've seen these. They look WONDERFUL!!

10 years ago

I need a nestbox for my fav girl

Melissa Grover
Melissa Grover
10 years ago

They are such cool little units ^^

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