Here in Northern Connecticut, we have had an unusually snow-free winter, for which my flock and I are tremendously grateful. But, after 60°F temperatures on Thursday, we were treated to 8″ of snow and temps in the teens. As Hartford native, Mark Twain once said of New England: “if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute.” Please enjoy the photos.

Cleopatra is eggspecting babies to hatch in the next 24 hours!
Thursday: The calm before the storm! 60°F…but not for long!
Hellooo White Friday!
Three French Black Copper Marans hens.
Chevy (Light Sussex rooster) with Caesar (Serama rooster)

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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Here in Northern Connecticut, we have had an unusually snow-free winter, for which my flock and I are tremendously grateful. But, after 60°F temperatures on Thursday, we were treated to 8″ of snow and temps in the teens. As Hartford native, Mark Twain once said of New England: “if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute.” Please enjoy the photos.

Cleopatra is eggspecting babies to hatch in the next 24 hours!
Thursday: The calm before the storm! 60°F…but not for long!
Hellooo White Friday!
Three French Black Copper Marans hens.
Chevy (Light Sussex rooster) with Caesar (Serama rooster)

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Josh Nordeen
Josh Nordeen
2025 years ago

This would be cool to try out!

Shelbe Houchins
Shelbe Houchins
2025 years ago

This would be a great way to keep all those little floor sleepers warmer. Don’t heat my coop but worry about those little silkies in a huddle.

Brett Meisinger
Brett Meisinger
2025 years ago

Colorado has been at -10 to -20 degrees most of this last week at night and around 30 during the day. My flock of red sex links, a barred rock, a white leghorn, easter eggers, 3 EE x Silkie hens, and my turkeys would love the extra heat! A heater would be a great addition to my coop. The only thing heating it up is a 250 watt bulb. They still all average 6-7 eggs a week despite the cold weather! Thanks for the opportunity.

Valerie Jensen
Valerie Jensen
2025 years ago

What a great idea! Sure would help with my early hatching chicks in the coop.

Dora Hulett
Dora Hulett
2025 years ago

Would love to win!! Thanks

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