Here in Northern Connecticut, we have had an unusually snow-free winter, for which my flock and I are tremendously grateful. But, after 60°F temperatures on Thursday, we were treated to 8″ of snow and temps in the teens. As Hartford native, Mark Twain once said of New England: “if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute.” Please enjoy the photos.
Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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Here in Northern Connecticut, we have had an unusually snow-free winter, for which my flock and I are tremendously grateful. But, after 60°F temperatures on Thursday, we were treated to 8″ of snow and temps in the teens. As Hartford native, Mark Twain once said of New England: “if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute.” Please enjoy the photos.
Would love to have one of these heaters for our girls, the hubby is always trying to talk me into a heat lamp bulb in there light fixture in the coop but I am to afraid it may start a fire even though it is a fixed fixture so for now they just get more bedding on colder night they would love the flat panel heater.
UP here in Northern Maine it gets awfully cold. Mr. P my rooster, his legs turn pink with the cold…the girls seem not to fair as bad so the cozy heater would be a welcomed addition…love your resourceful articles as always!
Awesome give away! I keep commenting because I love your blog and would love to win one of your great giveaways. I just saw that I need to click on the blog article and am not sure if that’s what I did. Anyway, great job Kathy. I look forward to all of your wealth of information.
This would be great to have our weather changes constantly here
enjoy the pics and captions thank you