Looking back at my photos from January I can’t believe how nutty it was: Doc Brown came down with a mystery illness that had me looking at her back for several days to determine whether she was still breathing. After days of hand feeding and prayer, she miraculously recovered. Blaze & Chevy got hit with frostbite which put them out of commission and in the basement Mancave where they remain with Doc until temperatures warm up. Mr. Chicken Chick and I had whirlwind weekend at the Northeastern Poultry Congress meeting so many of my amazing peeps, followed days later by a scheduled surgery that put me out of commission for a bit. Finally, we have been getting hammered with frigid temps and snow storms here in New England, including a certified blizzard last week and are now staring down the barrel of another couple of feet of snow tomorrow night! Whew! I’m exhausted just thinking about it all. I’m very much looking forward to a mostly boring February, please!
Doc Brown and me
Blaze & Chevy, Day 1 in the Mancave with frostbite.
Me & my peeps at the Northeastern Poultry Congress!
After Doc’s crisis passed, she joined the fellas in an adjacent condo in the basement.
Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
Looking back at my photos from January I can’t believe how nutty it was: Doc Brown came down with a mystery illness that had me looking at her back for several days to determine whether she was still breathing. After days of hand feeding and prayer, she miraculously recovered. Blaze & Chevy got hit with frostbite which put them out of commission and in the basement Mancave where they remain with Doc until temperatures warm up. Mr. Chicken Chick and I had whirlwind weekend at the Northeastern Poultry Congress meeting so many of my amazing peeps, followed days later by a scheduled surgery that put me out of commission for a bit. Finally, we have been getting hammered with frigid temps and snow storms here in New England, including a certified blizzard last week and are now staring down the barrel of another couple of feet of snow tomorrow night! Whew! I’m exhausted just thinking about it all. I’m very much looking forward to a mostly boring February, please!
Doc Brown and me
Blaze & Chevy, Day 1 in the Mancave with frostbite.
Me & my peeps at the Northeastern Poultry Congress!
After Doc’s crisis passed, she joined the fellas in an adjacent condo in the basement.
Thank you for this give away. We are looking forward to our first batch of baby chicks this spring, after learning the ropes with an established flock of hens. We can't wait, and I know the Brinsea Ecoglo would make it so much easier!
Nicole VanDorn Clouser
10 years ago
I would love and be super appreciative to win the brooder! ???
Matt Snider
10 years ago
good brooder i have one.
10 years ago
I finally bought one of these. I love it so much that I would love to win another!
Thank you for this give away. We are looking forward to our first batch of baby chicks this spring, after learning the ropes with an established flock of hens. We can't wait, and I know the Brinsea Ecoglo would make it so much easier!
I would love and be super appreciative to win the brooder! ???
good brooder i have one.
I finally bought one of these. I love it so much that I would love to win another!
Yes please, new girls coming this spring.