Happy 2015! With the 2014 holiday season now in the rear-view mirror, we’re back to business as usual at Blazing Trails Farm. Please enjoy some of my favorite photos of my chickens from the past week!

Blaze- Black Copper Marans rooster and flock leader. 
Sylvio-Silver Laced Wyandotte cockerel.
Freida-White Silkie hen and flock matriarch at 5+ years old.
Chevy, Light Sussex cockerel.
Kate-Speckled Sussex hen.
Marilyn Monroe-White Orpington hen.

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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Happy 2015! With the 2014 holiday season now in the rear-view mirror, we’re back to business as usual at Blazing Trails Farm. Please enjoy some of my favorite photos of my chickens from the past week!

Blaze- Black Copper Marans rooster and flock leader. 
Sylvio-Silver Laced Wyandotte cockerel.
Freida-White Silkie hen and flock matriarch at 5+ years old.
Chevy, Light Sussex cockerel.
Kate-Speckled Sussex hen.
Marilyn Monroe-White Orpington hen.
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Shelly Ann Vincent Dillon
Shelly Ann Vincent Dillon
10 years ago

Love that you could adapt for cold weather. Thanks for the giveaway opportunities!

10 years ago

Would really like to win this for my flock.. trying to keep cost down at least until my chicklets start laying so I can sell the extra eggs.

Jeanie Polak
Jeanie Polak
10 years ago

No more bucket lugging – great giveaway!

Romi Schlem
Romi Schlem
10 years ago

Liked the fountain on Facebook and would love to win one!

Just Plain Marie (was Canadian
10 years ago

Subscribed, liked and commenting now …. :D That chicken fountain looks great …. especially if it can be winterized without a heater. We have no electricity to the henhouse.

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