This week was busy as I worked on finishing up two magazine articles, but it was a bit of a challenge with one of my girls (human child, that is) home sick. She’s fine, but I’m a little bit behind. Such is the life of a self-employed, work-from-home mom. :)
The feathered babies worked on getting bigger and with unusually mild temperatures for November in New England, they got to spend quite a bit of time outside, learning the foraging ropes from their moms.
Iris (Olive Egger hen) and the Littles (Black Copper Marans or Olive Egger chicks) enjoy the mild temps as papa Blaze keeps a close eye on the yard.
This week’s unpredictable weather provided ample opportunities for some colorful photos.

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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This week was busy as I worked on finishing up two magazine articles, but it was a bit of a challenge with one of my girls (human child, that is) home sick. She’s fine, but I’m a little bit behind. Such is the life of a self-employed, work-from-home mom. :)
The feathered babies worked on getting bigger and with unusually mild temperatures for November in New England, they got to spend quite a bit of time outside, learning the foraging ropes from their moms.
Iris (Olive Egger hen) and the Littles (Black Copper Marans or Olive Egger chicks) enjoy the mild temps as papa Blaze keeps a close eye on the yard.
This week’s unpredictable weather provided ample opportunities for some colorful photos.

I am also still concerned about Mary, my almost 16 week old hen. She is missing more and more of her neck feathers. She looks pitiful. Her sister in age, a Wyandotte runaway from the older almost 23 week old chickens, and from Reuben my rooster. Elizabeth does not have feathers missing, but is still smaller than Mary. Mary is my only black chicken. Maybe that is why she is picked on? I sent for some stuff to spray on her called hot pick spray….
Love your site, the ideas, recipes, etc. etc.!! Would love some lime green egg cartons too!! My girls' pretty brown eggs deserve better than gray pulp! Ha!
Love following your advice and tips, the pictures always wonderful. Those egg cartons would be neat to have, might motivate the hens :) Have a wonderful weekend
I got 4 eggs today! Such a nice surprise. One of the had a bit of blood on it. I hope that it is not a harbinger of trouble to come. On another note Reuben my rooster is still challenging me. I am firm with him and tell him NO! Yesterday he flew at me. I stopped him with the bowl I had in my hand. It was a shock. Today he acted like he wanted to come at me, but again I firmly told him no. I hate these challenges.
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