This week’s photo essay from Blazing Trails Farm feels dark as most of the week has been snowy, rainy, foggy, grey and overall, blah. Thankfully the temperatures have been above freezing most of the time, which has given the roosters a chance to recover a bit from frostbite. Please enjoy the photos and your weekend!
When it snows, the chickens will come out of the coops if I shovel, only to pace back and forth between coops. Some exercise is better than no exercise I suppose.
Blaze chases Sparky a couple times a day to remind him who is in charge of the backyard. They’re both Black Copper Marans. Blaze is Sparky’s dad.

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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This week’s photo essay from Blazing Trails Farm feels dark as most of the week has been snowy, rainy, foggy, grey and overall, blah. Thankfully the temperatures have been above freezing most of the time, which has given the roosters a chance to recover a bit from frostbite. Please enjoy the photos and your weekend!
When it snows, the chickens will come out of the coops if I shovel, only to pace back and forth between coops. Some exercise is better than no exercise I suppose.
Blaze chases Sparky a couple times a day to remind him who is in charge of the backyard. They’re both Black Copper Marans. Blaze is Sparky’s dad.

Love your flock! I am incubating my eggs now and I could really use this, thanks for the good advice, funny pics, and doing all these exciting contests!
I have to young roo brothers who have started scabbeling, so I'll be following along to see how things turn out for Blaze and son.
Love your blog!
i couldreallyuse this
I LOVE your photos! My chickens just aren't that cooperative when it comes to posing and photos. ;)