This week, the January/February edition of Chickens® from Hobby Farms arrived in the mailbox with my article about how to build a better chicken feeder in the centerfold! That was fun, but there was no time to read through the rest of the magazine with two more articles to wind up for my editors by this weekend. (tick, tock…)
Meanwhile, in the backyard, we enjoyed the final days of live flowers as temperatures plummeted into the teens. I’m SO not ready for winter, but we have started winterizing the coops and I’ll be writing about it for you later this week.
Iris (Olive Egger pullet) and Lola (Columbian Wyandotte) kept close tabs on the Littles (Black Copper Marans chicks and Olive Egger chicks).
Now that Rachel (below, Bantam Cochin Frizzle) has finished molting, she has resumed egg-laying at the rate of 3 per week. None has proven fertile in the incubator yet though despite Sparky’s best efforts. An unidentified flock member had the audacity to pluck these newly grown feathers out of Rachel in a nest box skirmish. :(

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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This week, the January/February edition of Chickens® from Hobby Farms arrived in the mailbox with my article about how to build a better chicken feeder in the centerfold! That was fun, but there was no time to read through the rest of the magazine with two more articles to wind up for my editors by this weekend. (tick, tock…)
Meanwhile, in the backyard, we enjoyed the final days of live flowers as temperatures plummeted into the teens. I’m SO not ready for winter, but we have started winterizing the coops and I’ll be writing about it for you later this week.
Iris (Olive Egger pullet) and Lola (Columbian Wyandotte) kept close tabs on the Littles (Black Copper Marans chicks and Olive Egger chicks).
Now that Rachel (below, Bantam Cochin Frizzle) has finished molting, she has resumed egg-laying at the rate of 3 per week. None has proven fertile in the incubator yet though despite Sparky’s best efforts. An unidentified flock member had the audacity to pluck these newly grown feathers out of Rachel in a nest box skirmish. :(

I do not have Scratch and Peck locally so that would be GREAT! The ladies also love hen treats so either way is fantastic!
My ladies love dried mealworms and we just bought our first bag of Scratch & Peck
The girls absolutely love the mealworm frenzy. One of them actually hops up and down in front me when I'm holding the container.
So glad to see Blaze looking so healthy now ^^
poor Rachel, never fails regardless of my chicken box math either. They all end up wanting a particular one that day and a skirmish or two undoubtedly erupts.. then the favorite spot magically changes!! lil scoundrels are quite determined to drive us crazy at least 2x a day :3
The girls vote for entering the scratch and peck for their stormy weather entertainment
(btw, Berthas feathers are already looking wonderful on the supplement! I'll be taking and sharing some pics for you soon as I'm back up and about :D
Would love to win such awesome yummies for my very bad backyard girls!