I can’t recall a time when autumn colors remained on the trees as long as they have this year. I took full advantage of the opportunity to get out there and take some photos. I hope you enjoy some of my favorites this week. Happy Halloween!

My autumn coops.
Sylvio, Silver Laced Wyandotte cockerel
Buelah, Buff Orpington hen
Doc Brown, White Crested Black Polish hen
Tolbunt Polish Frizzle hens Calista Flockheart & Ally McBeak.
Blaze, Black Copper Marans rooster. 
Margarita, Black White Faced Spanish pullet.

Of course its Monday this aint my Friday face
There is too much blood in my caffeine system
The fact that my eyes are open is not evidence that I am awake Need More Coffee
Rachel Divider

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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I can’t recall a time when autumn colors remained on the trees as long as they have this year. I took full advantage of the opportunity to get out there and take some photos. I hope you enjoy some of my favorites this week. Happy Halloween!

My autumn coops.
Sylvio, Silver Laced Wyandotte cockerel
Buelah, Buff Orpington hen
Doc Brown, White Crested Black Polish hen
Tolbunt Polish Frizzle hens Calista Flockheart & Ally McBeak.
Blaze, Black Copper Marans rooster. 
Margarita, Black White Faced Spanish pullet.

Of course its Monday this aint my Friday face
There is too much blood in my caffeine system
The fact that my eyes are open is not evidence that I am awake Need More Coffee
Rachel Divider
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10 years ago

That's hysterical!!!!

Tonnie Rogers
Tonnie Rogers
10 years ago

I'd love to try some new bedding for my girls and I'm sure they would be happy!

Karen Miller
Karen Miller
10 years ago

Hope to win….. now – to catch up on my reading your blogs!

Barbara Bogan Bealer
Barbara Bogan Bealer
10 years ago

Oh my…how I would love to win the Koop Clean Bedding!

Stephanie Williams
Stephanie Williams
10 years ago

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

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