This past week was highlighted by the meeting at the Zoning Commission on my petition to legalize chickens in town. The Commission has agreed with me unanimously that chickens ought to be permitted as a matter of right in residential neighborhoods! They are setting up a committee, which will include farming, agriculture and poultry experts, to craft language to amend the zoning regulations. BIG win for backyard chickens!! My argument to the Zoning Commission was taped live and can be viewed here.
In other big news this week: Iris (an Olive Egger pullet) went broody for the first time and accepted 10 chicks as her own, which I hatched in an incubator.
Buff Orpington pullet, inspecting the day’s haul. As everyone eases out of their molt, I’m finally getting blue Ameraucana eggs again. I can’t even remember the last time I saw a blue egg in the nest boxes!

Kathy Shea Mormino
Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on
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This past week was highlighted by the meeting at the Zoning Commission on my petition to legalize chickens in town. The Commission has agreed with me unanimously that chickens ought to be permitted as a matter of right in residential neighborhoods! They are setting up a committee, which will include farming, agriculture and poultry experts, to craft language to amend the zoning regulations. BIG win for backyard chickens!! My argument to the Zoning Commission was taped live and can be viewed here.
In other big news this week: Iris (an Olive Egger pullet) went broody for the first time and accepted 10 chicks as her own, which I hatched in an incubator.
Buff Orpington pullet, inspecting the day’s haul. As everyone eases out of their molt, I’m finally getting blue Ameraucana eggs again. I can’t even remember the last time I saw a blue egg in the nest boxes!

This I could really use seeing how my flock has grown unexpectedly.
But what a blessing they are.
I agree with Richard you have helped me out a lot with your blog. thank you my girls are 7 mths old and i had never had any before and it starts off as fun then you realise you are all they have to keep them healthy and safe, by then you are hooked on these crasy little things and your help is much needed as you learn how little you know about you girls. again thank you.
Again, another great round up of the week! BTW – all polish chickens remind me of Phyllis Diller, one of the most brilliant female comedians ever born :-)
Congratulations on your successful petition!. I hope this gives others around the country the courage to stand up for their rights.
As always, great info! Great win-win for everyone for your community! I'm thinking Cruella as in Cruella de Vil because she is just as sophisticated as Glenn Close. Would love to win the Happy Treats for my spoiled little Ladies. I've already purchased the Vetericyn meds because you have already blogged about the importance of being ready for an emergency!