The beginning of this week started with some rain, but that didn’t stop the flockers from getting out and about. Peak foliage is upon us here in New England and we are enjoying every minute of it.

The kids enjoyed a hay ride at the annual Fall Fest BBQ hosted by good friends.

A few of the late spring chickens have just begun laying eggs while the older flockers finish up their molt.

Rachel (Bantam Cochin Frizzle) is in the molt home-stretch!
A first egg from one of my Black Copper Marans pullets.

A significant milestone was hit on my Facebook page this week as the fan ticker hit the 50,000 mark! I have been blessed to be able to interact with so many wonderful people around the world daily, sharing our love and appreciation for backyard chickens.

When I wasn’t on Facebook or writing magazine articles this week, I was busy shipping Spruce the Coop Herbal Fusion. I had a little trouble keeping up with demand, but am now fully stocked and herbal pest control is on its way to nest boxes all over the country!

Spartacus, (Serama x Red Sex Link)  the son of Brutus and Vera, got named this week. Look at how quickly he feathered out this week- the top photo was taken last Friday and the photo below was taken six days later.

Thanks for visiting and have a great week!

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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The beginning of this week started with some rain, but that didn’t stop the flockers from getting out and about. Peak foliage is upon us here in New England and we are enjoying every minute of it.

The kids enjoyed a hay ride at the annual Fall Fest BBQ hosted by good friends.

A few of the late spring chickens have just begun laying eggs while the older flockers finish up their molt.

Rachel (Bantam Cochin Frizzle) is in the molt home-stretch!
A first egg from one of my Black Copper Marans pullets.

A significant milestone was hit on my Facebook page this week as the fan ticker hit the 50,000 mark! I have been blessed to be able to interact with so many wonderful people around the world daily, sharing our love and appreciation for backyard chickens.

When I wasn’t on Facebook or writing magazine articles this week, I was busy shipping Spruce the Coop Herbal Fusion. I had a little trouble keeping up with demand, but am now fully stocked and herbal pest control is on its way to nest boxes all over the country!

Spartacus, (Serama x Red Sex Link)  the son of Brutus and Vera, got named this week. Look at how quickly he feathered out this week- the top photo was taken last Friday and the photo below was taken six days later.

Thanks for visiting and have a great week!
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jody currin
jody currin
11 years ago

I would love to win the Grandpa's chickens are all rescues and had mites so severly that they had lost most all of their feathers, but thank goodness to you and reading remedies they all look fantastic now..they are so happy about being rescued and fixed up that they hatched out eight babies..they are all silkies with some having cute crested tops….ahhhh I just love them babies..and of course one extra baby that came from Mrs. Shelia but her sister is raisin little Sheila cause she passed away..anyways thank you for the great information and we look forward to… Read more »

11 years ago

We want one!

birdlover smith
birdlover smith
11 years ago

I would love to win Grandpas feeder.

11 years ago

I so need to win this feeder! Every sparrow for miles around has found the coop, is devouring the girls' feed, and is making a mess.

Erin Nicole Nelson
11 years ago

We are hoping to switch to treadle feeders this fall in all of our pens. I would love to have a chance to try their version!

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