Hatching baby chicks is addicting, however, I never had any intention of hatching eggs in an incubator.  In fact, throughout all the research I did concerning chicken-keeping before my first dozen chicks arrived, I paid no attention to any incubation or hatching information.“Why would anyone go to all that trouble of fiddling with temperature and humidity in an incubator when baby chicks can simply be purchased?” I wondered. My foray into chicken-keeping was a mere five months old when that question was answered for me.

Hatch-along with The Chicken Chick

Part 1: The Addiction
Part 2, Roosters, Broodies and Incubator Basics
Part 3: Hatching Eggs
Part 4: Candling
Part 5, Be Prepared, Chicks Happen.
Part 6, The Longest Week
Part 7, Lockdown
Part 8, Hatch Day

Kathy Shea Mormino

Affectionately known internationally as The Chicken Chick®, Kathy Shea Mormino shares a fun-loving, informative style to raising backyard chickens. …Read on

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Hatching baby chicks is addicting, however, I never had any intention of hatching eggs in an incubator.  In fact, throughout all the research I did concerning chicken-keeping before my first dozen chicks arrived, I paid no attention to any incubation or hatching information.“Why would anyone go to all that trouble of fiddling with temperature and humidity in an incubator when baby chicks can simply be purchased?” I wondered. My foray into chicken-keeping was a mere five months old when that question was answered for me.

Hatch-along with The Chicken Chick

Part 1: The Addiction
Part 2, Roosters, Broodies and Incubator Basics
Part 3: Hatching Eggs
Part 4: Candling
Part 5, Be Prepared, Chicks Happen.
Part 6, The Longest Week
Part 7, Lockdown
Part 8, Hatch Day

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11 years ago

I Love the hen you are holding in this picture. I have one that I hatched this Spring, she looks just like yours and she is my baby and loves to coddle.

12 years ago

LOL. Eggciting! The resting is for shipped eggs to allow the air cells to settle. 62°F is perfect temp while the eggs wait to go in the bator.

12 years ago

Hi Kathy,
Well, I’m happy to announce_  I'm expecting! …14 blue splash marans hatching eggs by Friday 3-1-13. I have read your 8pt hatching series multiple, multiple, multiple times. I hope I’m ready!!! Two questions, you have mentioned that the eggs should rest on the counter for 24hrs prior to placing them into the incubator. What is the purpose of this “resting time”? I keep my house at 62 degrees and am wondering what effect this will have on the resting eggs. Will the 62 degrees be OK? OR, should I increase my house temp?

12 years ago

I'd like to hatch some eggs this spring. What is your opinion on buying hatching eggs from eBay, Craig’s List, or local farmer? I’d like to get some black copper marans, and they aren’t available locally. Where do you get your hatching eggs?

12 years ago

The chicks are adorable:) So cute I just want to hold one.